- Flowers by Name B > Bauhinia acuminata
Bauhinia acuminata

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Fabales
Genus - Bauhinia
Species - acuminata
Synonym - Bauhinia racemosa, Piliostigma racemosum
Origin / Native - Asia, Malaysia, Philippines
Category - Shrub, small tree
Height - Up to 9.8 feet tall
Hindi - Safed Kachnar
Tamil - Vellai mantharai
Flowering Season - Spring to Autumn
Flowers - White, showy, clustered, 5 petals, one green stigma, ten yellow tipped white stamens, 4.5 inches wide, large, fragrance, flowers resembles butterfly,
Foliage & Plant - Green, Semi-deciduous, compound, bilobed, ox hoof shaped leaves, 5.9 inches wide
Fruits & Seeds - Green, brown, Pea shaped, pods contains 6 to 7 seeds
Light Requirement & Care - Full Sun or Part shade, average water, well drained soils
Special Feature - Drought tolerance
Uses - Ornamental plant, Medicinal
Good For - Butterfly garden, Patios, Borders, Parks, yards
Bauhinia acuminata flower buds
White orchid tree-Immature flower buds and Full bloom, 10-Stamens[white with yellow tipped], 1-Stigma[green]
Peruvian lily pink-Alstroemeria hybrida Foliage, Bulbs
Bauhinia acuminata flower
Bauhinia acuminata stamens & stigma
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