- Pansy > Varieties with Names & Details
Pansy varieties
Varieties of Pansy , Pansy flower collection

Common Name: White with yellow eye pansy lalbagh flower show jan 2016
Family: Violaceae
Order : Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Height : 15 inches tall
Best for :Pots, containers, borders, garden beds
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, healthy

Common Name: Pansy purple cultivar, Viola lutea
Botanical name: Viola tricolor subsp. hortensis
Order : Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Europe
Good for :Mixed borders, pots, garden beds
Flowers : Blur purple, violet, black, yellow, showy, small, colourful
Foliage : Evergreen
Location : Chennai Flower show, TN, India

Common Name: Panola yellow purple pansy
Botanical name: Viola wittrockiana
Family: Violaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Height :Up to 17 cm
Type : Perennial
Good for : Bedding garden, borders, pots
Location : Ooty botanical garden, india
Flowers : Blackish Purple, medium violet red, dark magenta with yellow, colourfu, showy

Common Name: Pansy panola xp yellow
Botanical name: Viola wittrockiana
Family: Violaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Flowering Season : Spring to Autumn
Height :Up to 20 cm
Type : Perennial
Good for : Bedding garden, borders, rock garden, woodland
Light requirement : Full sun or part shade
Location : Ooty botanical garden, india

Common Name: Heart's delight, Heartsease
Botanical name: Viola tricolor
Family: Violaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Europe
Flowers :Purple & yellow petals, with face markings, best for flowerbed
Uses : Medicinal
Genus: Viola
Suitable for: Borders, garden beds

Common Name: Dark purple pansy
Type: Perennial
Flowering Season: Fall to Frost, Year round
Care: Well drained soil, Full sun to part shade
Flowers : Large, Showy, Purple, Black with yellow centric, 5 petals, 3 to 4 inches wide
Height :Up to 11 inches tall
Special Characteristic : Tolerate cool temperatures
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Pansy purple black
Botanical name: Viola altaica
Family: Violaceae
Flowers: Large, Purple, single, 5 petals, 2 overlapping large upper petals, lower one petal is heart shaped, middle two petals are same size, soft stems
Flowering Season : All Year
Type :Annual
Genus : Viola
Camera: Nikon D40 X

Common Name: Bi color pansy
Botanical name: Viola x wittrockiana
Family: Violaceae
Flowers: Large, 4 inches wide, reddish brown colour with black face
Attracts : Butterflies
Grow best in :Full Sun to part shade
Soil Requirement : well-drained
Life Cycle: Biennial, Perennial, Annual
Camera: Sony HD

Common Name: Red pansies
Height: 9 inches
Spread: 12 inches
Soil Requirement: Moist, Rich well drained
Origin / Native : Russia
Best For :Borders, containers, ground covers
Type : Hardy annual
Flowering Season: All Year round
Camera: Sony HD

Common Name: Violet pansy
Botanical name: Viola wittrockiana
Flowers: Large, Showy, Violet with yellow centric, single, rounded, 5 petals
Good For: Bedding Garden, Edging, Container plant, Window boxes
Foliage : Green, Ovate shaped Leaf
Flowering Season :Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov
Camera :Nikon D40 X

Common Name: Yellow & maroon color pansy
Botanical name: Viola wittrockiana
Family: Violaceae
Spread: Up to 12 inches wide
Type : Short-lived herbaceous perennials
Height :Up to 22.860cm [9 inches]
Suitable for :Borders, garden beds
Foliage: Evergreen
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Pansy cardinal red
Flowers: Large, Dark magenta, purple with yellow centric, showy
Flowering Season: Spring, Autumn
Growth Care: Sow seeds directly into the garden, Full Sun
Plants : Small, Dark foliage, Compact
Grows In :Indoor, Outdoor
Camera : Sony HD
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india
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