- Flowers By Name > Medicinal plants and flowers
Medicinal plants and flowers, indian medicinal flowers, indian herbs, home gardening
Many Indian plants have medicinal values which cure & heal many diseases. Some of them are Manthakkali – mouth & stomach ulcer, Plantain stem – kidney stones, Keezhanelli – jaundice, Avaram – dandruff & hair fall, Neem – stomach warm, Sothukathazhai – knee pain, Thulasi – cold & fever, Nochi – Head ache, Manathakali - Ulcers. All are tropical plants.

Common Name: Gale of the wind
Botanical Name: Phyllanthus niruri
Family: Phyllanthaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Type: Erect annual herb
Tamil Name: Keela Nelli
Telugu :Nela usiri
Synonym: Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllanthus parvifolius
Treatement, Used for: Traditional indian medicine, cure jaundice, liver, kidney, stomach problems

Common Name: Ponnanganni keerai-Dwarf copperleaf
Scientific Name: Alternanthera sessilis
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order :Caryophyllales
Telugu : Ponnaganti aaku
Uses : Food, Ayurvedic/herbal medicines, leaves used as vegetables in tamil nadu
Best for : Small garden,hedges, pots, containers
Variety : Green & red

Common Name: Home gardening
Things needed: Plastic pots, trays plastic cups, soils
Light requirement: Sunny or part shade
Water requirement :Water daily in summer times
Easy to grow Herbs : Fenugreek, spinach, coriander & mint
Small garden border plant : Zinnia, dahlia, petunia, moss rose, balsom, cosmos, chrysanthemum

Scientific Name: Acmella oleracea
Synonym: Spilanthes acmella
Common Name : Paracress, Vanamuguli, toothache plant
Family : Asteraceae
Category: Flowering herb, Important Medicinal Plant
Found in: India, America
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Flowers: Yellow, small, showy with evergreen foliage

Scientific Name: Alpinia galanga
Common Name: Rasna herb,Thai galangal, Greater Galangal
Family: Zingiberaceae
Origin/Native : South Asia,Indonesia
Height : Up to 6 feet
Uses: Cuisines, Medicinal
Foliage: Evergreen
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Rosemary
Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis
Family: Lamiaceae
Medicinal uses: Antimicrobial, antioxidant
Chemical constituents : Volatile oil, rosemarinic acid
Parts used :Leaves, stems
Category : Perennial, fragrant
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india
Camera: Nikon D40X

Scientific name: Solanum virginianum
Common Name: Surattense nightshade, Thai green eggplant, Yellow-fruit nightshade
Category: Medicinal plant
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Flowers :Blue purple, small. showy, clustered, mild hairy
Hazardous : Fruit is poisonous
Location : Srirangam kavery river, trichy, india

Common Name: Celery
Scientific Name: Apium graveolens var. dulce
Best for : Pots, containers, organic garden
Family : Apiaceae
Height: Up to 39 inches tall
Uses: Vegetable, soups, cuisines, spice
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Category: Medicinal Herb
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden, India

Common Name: Karpooravalli, panikoorka
Scientific Name: Plectranthus amboinicus
Tamil: Karpuravalli
Best for : Pots, containers, borders
Foliage : Evergreen foliage, 3 feet tall
Life cycle: Perennial
Hindi: Patharchur
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Uses: Medicinal
Habit: Fleshy Medicinal Herb

Common Name: Lemon grass cymbopogan citratus
Family: Poaceae
Parts used: Leaves
Camera: Nikon D40x
Chemical Constituents : volatile oil, pheromonal, citronellal
Medicinal use :Antimicrobial, pain reliver, antifungal, insect repellent
Category : Medicinal Herb
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india

Common Name: Silver ragwort
Botanical Source: Jacobaea maritima
Family: Asteraceae
Category: Perennial
Type : Subshrub
Parts used :Leaves & whole parts
Chemical constituents : Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids Tannins
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india
Medicinal use: Eye problems, cataracts

Common Name: Tincher plant
Scientific Name: Hemigraphis colorata
Family : Acanthaceae
Synonym : Hemigraphis alternata
Category&Life Cycle: Perennial herb
Uses: Medicinal, Ayurveda
Habit: Medicinal Plant, Indoor ornamental plant
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: False Amaranth, Achyranthes muricata
Botanical name: Digera muricata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, asia, india
Used in :Tamil Siddha medicine, tamil cuisine
Tamil : Toya Keeri, kaatu Keerai
Type : Annual herb, yellowish green foliage, tiny purple flowers

Scientific Name: White plumeria-Frangipani
Flowers: Medium, showy, clustered, fragrant, white with yellow throat, 5 petals
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Genus: Plumeria
Flowers: White with yellow, fragrance, small, 5 petals, clustered, showy
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Flowers: Red, orange, white, or pink, clustered, showy

Common Name: Calabash, long melon, bottle gourd, bottle gourd flower
Botanical name: Lagenaria siceraria
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Order: Cucurbitales
Origin / Native : Africa, Asia
Foliage :Dark green, mild haily, large leaf
Type : Annual climbing vine
Flowers: White, 5-petals, smooth hairy
Tamil: Suraikkaai

Common Name: Black eyed pea
Botanical name: Dolichos biflorus
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Africa, Asia
Hindi : lobia
Tamil: Thatta Payir, karamani
Flowers: Purple, lavender with yellow eyes, Pea shaped
Foliage: Dark green, glossy,1 feet long fruits & seeds used in tamil cuisine

Name: Nerium oleander white
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Hazards: All parts are toxic
Category : Evergreen shrub or Small tree
Common Name: Oleander, Tamil-Vellai Arali
Foliage: Evergreen, glossy, 18.9 feet tall, good for fence
Flowers: White, velvety, small, clustered, aromatic
Location: Butterfly Park, Srirangam, Melur, Tiruchirappalli,Tamil Nadu, India

Common Name: Large Caltrops
Botanical name: Pedalium murex
Family: Pedaliacae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : India, Africa, Sri Lanka
Type :Traditional medicinal Plant
Life Cycle : Annual herb
Tamil: Tamil : Yanai nerunji, Anai nerunji
Flowers: Yellow, mild hairy, funnel shaped
Foliage: Greyish green, hairy, funnel shaped

Common Name: Bristly Bryony, Mukia maderaspatana, Madras pea pumpkin
Botanical name: Cucumis maderaspatanus
Family: Cucurbitaceae [gourd family]
Flowers: Yellow, tiny, 5 petals, green hairy bracts
Origin / Native : Africa, Asia, china, Australia
Hindi :Aganaki
Tamil : Muchumuchukkai, Musumuskkai, Nagilangiai
Type : Annual climbing creeper

Common Name: Flame lily, glory lily, fire lily, tiger claw
Botanical name: Gloriosa superba
Family: Colchicaceae
Order: Liliales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa
Genus :Gloriosa
Characteristic : Poisonous
Tamil: Kaandhal, Kanvali poo
Hindi : Kalihari, Bachnag, Kadyanag
Location : Kundadam, Tirupur, India

Common Name: Hibiscus, rose mallow, China rose
Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa sinensis
Family: Malvaceae
Order: Malvales
Origin / Native : East Asia, India
Life Cycle :Annual, perennial herb
Category : Small tree, large shrub
Philippines : Gumamela
Location: Erode, Tamilnadu, South India
Flowers: Red, large, 5-petals

Common Name: Sausage tree, cucumber tree, Kigelia
Botanical name: Kigelia africana
Family: Bignoniaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Tropical Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Eritrea
Type : Ornamental tree
Fruits used in : African herbal medicine
Hindi : Balam khira, Jhar fanoos
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Malabar tamarind, vadakkan puli, brindleberry, Gambooge
Botanical name: Garcinia gummi-gutta
Family : Clusiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Tropical Asia, Indonesia
Tamil :Kudampuli
Synonym : Garcinia cambogia
Attracts: Bees, butterflies, birds
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Uses : Weight loss, medicine, Cooking

Common Name: Bitter melon, Goya
Botanical name: Momordica charantia
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Order: Cucurbitales
Origin / Native : India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh
Genus :Momordica
Uses : Medicinal, Cuisine
Flowers: Yellow, 5 petals, fragrance
Foliage : Deep green
Location : Kundadam, Tirupur, India

Common Name: Mango
Botanical name: Mangifera indica
Family: Anacardiaceae
Order: Sapindales
Life Cycle : Perennial
Category :Evergreen large fruit tree
Origin / Native : Tropical Asia
Flowers: Beige, navajo white or corn silk, tiny, clustered, fragrance
Tamil : Mambazham
Attracts : Birds, bees, butterflies

Common Name: Ocimum sanctum, Basil, Tulasi
Botanical name: Ocimum tenuiflorum
Family: Lamiaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
Tamil :Karunthulasi, Senthulasi
Height : 3 feet tall
Category: Aromatic religious plant
Flowers: Purple, tiny, aromatic
Foliage: Purple with green foliage, medicinal

Common Name: Papaya, pawpaw, Papaya flower
Botanical name: Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae
Order: Brassicales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Brazil, Tropical America
Uses :Medicinal, tamil cuisines
Type : Female flower
Flowers : Beige, pale golden rod, fragrance, hanging downwards
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name: Pergularia flower
Botanical name: Pergularia daemia
Synonym :Pergularia extensa
Order : Gentianales
Origin / Native : India,Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan
Uses :Ayurveda, Medicinal
Flowering Season : Jun to Nov
Flowers : Green with brown, clustered, hairy
Camera : Nikon D40X
Foliage : Grayish green, hairy

Common Name: Red okra flower
Closely Related To: Hibiscus
Family: Malvaceae [mallow family]
Uses: Cuisine, Medicinal
Origin / Native : Ethiopia, Africa
Height :Up to 2.4 Meters tall
Plant Info : Large, light yellow flower with red Stems, red fruits, heart shaped hairy leaf
Fruits & seeds: Edible, seeds are black
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name:Sapodilla flower
Botanical name: Manilkara zapota
Family: Sapotaceae
Order: Ericales
Origin / Native & Grow In : Souther nMexico, Central America & Malaysia, India
Growth Rate Of Tree :Slow
Category : Evergreen tree
Height: 5 feet to 14 feet
Fruits: Brown, edible, sweet, healthy
Flowers: Beige, with brown bracts, small

Common Name: White frangipani
Botanical name: Plumeria alba
Family : Apocynaceae[dogbane family]
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Venezuela, America, Caribbean islands
Category :Deciduous shrub, Tree
Flowering Season : Feb to June
Height : 15 feet
Flowers : White with yellow, large, fragrance

Scientific Name: Brassica oleracea var. capitata
Common Name : Cabbage
Origin or Native: Europe
Type: Biennial or annual
Genus : Brassica
Family : Brassicaceae
Height: 14 inches tall
Category: Medicinal herb, Edible vegetable
Location : Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Flowers & Plants by Categories