- Orchid > Varieties with Names & Details
Orchid flower varieties

Scientific Name: Epidendrum radicans
Common Name: Fire star orchid
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Suitable for : Pots, hanging baskets
Good for :Cut flowers, vases
Found in : Road side
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india
Flowers: Red, orange, 5 petals with yellow eye

Common Name: Pink vanda orchid, hot pink vanda orchids
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Camera: Nikon D40x
Flowers : Hot pink, fragrant, showy, colourful
Areas of distribution :China, india, philippines, australia
Used for : Cut flowers
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india

Common Name: Dendrobium purple
Botanical name: Dendrobium kingianum
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Southeast Asia, Australia
Blooming season :Throughout the year
Height : Up to 3 feet tall
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Best for: Pots, hanging baskets
Flowers: Purple with white

Common Name: Two humped Dendrobium
Botanical name: Dendrobium bigibbum
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Southeast Asia, Australia
Blooming season :Throughout the year
Best for:Pots, hanging baskets
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Flowers: Pink with white, 5 petals

Common Name: Phalaenopsis orchid varieties in pots display
Flowering season: All year round
Flowering Colors : White, pink, yellow, fuschia, beige, light orange
Common Name: Moth Orchids
Family : Orchidaceae
Order :Asparagales
Festival : Summer
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india

Common Name: Musky-smelling Dendrobium
Botanical name: Dendrobium moschatum
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Indochina, Himalayas
Flowers :Small, golden yellow, attractive
Maintenance : Medium care, Easy to grow
Location: Ooty botanical garden, Tamilnadu, India
Best for: Pots, containers, hanging baskets

Common Name: Orchid yellow with pink, Moth Orchid
Botanical name:Phalaenopsis Nivacolor
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Himalayas, Philippines, Asia
Type :Perennial herb
Genus : Phalaenopsis
Flowers : Navajo white, corn silk, light yellow
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Best for : Hanging baskets

Common Name: Orchid blue purple, Ascocenda Princess Mikasa, hybrid orchid
Botanical name: Ascocenda spp
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : India, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines
Genus :Ascocenda
Cross between : Vanda & Ascocentrum
Flowers: Blue violet, showy
Best for : Hanging baskets
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Orchid single
Botanical name: Broughtonia
Family: Orchidaceae
Genus: Phalaenopsis
Origin / Native : Central& South America
Leaves :Simple, Alternate, Up to 24 inches
Grow in : Tropical forests, All Climate
Uses:Cut flowers
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Best for :Pots, hanging baskets

Common Name: Orchid pink single, Pink Moth Orchid
Botanical name: Phalaenopsis amabilis
Family: Orchidaceae [orchid family]
Flowers: Violet, Showy, Colorful, Fragrant
Origin / Native : Asia
Life Cycle :Perennial herb
Uses:Cut flowers
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Best for : Pots, hanging baskets
Genus: Phalaenopsis

Common Name: Philippine Ground Orchid
Botanical name: Spathoglottis plicata
Family :Orchidaceae
Order : Asparagales
Origin / Native : Tropical, subtropical of Asia, Southeast Asia
Flowering Month :Sep to Apr
Synonym : Spathoglottis lilacina, Spathoglottis angustifolia
Location : Lalbagh, karnataka, South India
Flowers : Magenta, fuchsia, showy

Common Name: Blue Vanda, Autumn Lady's Tresses
Botanical name : Vanda coerulea
Family : Caryophyllales
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native: China, Khasi hills, Assam, North East India
Subfamily :Epidendroideae
Uses : Medicinal
Flowers : Blue violet, indigo, showy, clustered
Suitable for : Hanging baskets

Common Name: Cattleya orchid
Flowers: Large, light pink with purple, orange mixed, 17 cm wide
Botanical Name: Cattleya labiata
Family: Orchidaceae
Order : Asparagales
Flowering Season :Spring
Good for : Pots, hanging baskets
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Dancing lady orchid
Botanical name: Oncidium excavatum
Subfamily : Epidendroideae
Family: Orchidaceae
Good For : Pots, Hanging Baskets
Flowers :Small, Showy, Look like little dancing lady with yellow gown & red neck
Variety & Genus : Oncidium
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india
Good for: Vases, cut flowers

Common Name: Bush Clock Vine
Botanical name: Cattleya red orchid
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Flowers : Large, Red with yellow mixed, Showy, 20 cm wide
Fragrant :Good
Subfamily : Epidendroideae
Water: Water regularly, Do not over
Suitable for: pots, hanging baskets

Common Name: Sander's Euanthe, Waling waling
Botanical name: Euanthe sanderiana
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Orchidales
Origin / Native : Philippines
Genus :Euanthe
Flowers : Large, Pink with Maroon, 4 inches wide
Synonym: Vanda sanderiana
Location:Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Cattleya orchid
Botanical name: Cattleya gaskelliana
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Flowers : Large, showy, pink with yellow color
Good For :Hanging baskets
Synonym : Cattleya labiata
Origin / Native: Venezuela, Columbia
Camera: Sony HD
Location:Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Dendrobium queen pink, Queen Pink Dendrobiums
Genus: Dendrobium
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Flowers : Fuchsia with white centric, Showy, 6 petals
Perfect For :Wedding flowers
Fragrant : No
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Rhynchostylis gigantea orchid
Family : Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native: Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia
Flowering Season : Fall to frost
Flowers :Medium, White with pink spotted form, Fragrant, 25 & more blooms per stalk
Genus: Rhynchostylis
Good for: Cut flowers

Common Name: Dendrobium burana jade yellow
Genus: Dendrobium
Family: Orchidaceae
Origin / Native: Singapore, Hawaii, Thailand
Flowers: Greenish yellow with brown lower petal, Medium, 18 blooms per spike
Uses :Cut flowers, ornamental
Camera : Sony HD
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Dendrobium ovatum
Flowers: Medium, 6 petals, White, pink mixed with yellow centric, Upper large petals contains black face markings
Family: Orchidaceae
Uses: Cut flowers, ornamental
Good For : Hanging Baskets
Camera :Sony HD
Location : Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india
Foliage: Evergreen

Common Name: Dendrobium burana emerald
Flowers: Medium, Greenish yellow with plum color
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Vietnam, Australia, New Guinea, Philippines
Category :Orchids
Found In : Tropical forests, Himalayan mountains
Camera: Sony HD

Common Name: Modern Spotted White Phalaenopsis, Patterned Moth Orchids
Botanical name: Phalaenopsis amabilis
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Flowers : Large, Showy, White with purple patterned, 5 petals
Genus :Phalaenopsis
Camera : Sony HD
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Pink vanda orchids
Genus: Vanda
Family: Orchidaceae
Care: Healthy fed, Plenteous water, Bright light
Origin / Native : Australia, China, Tropical east Asia
Flowering Season :All Year round
Growth Habit : Fast
Popular: House & Greenhouse plants
Camera: Sony HD

Common Name: Dendrobium big ham
Genus: Dendrobium
Family: Orchidaceae
Good For: Pots, Containers, Hanging baskets
Foliage : Evergreen
Flowers :Classic, Medium, Purple pink with white centric
Uses : Fresh Cut Flowers
Camera: Sony HD
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india

Common Name: Dendrobium orange
Genus: Dendrobium
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Southeast Asia
Flowers :Medium, Orange with yellow mixed
Subfamily : Epidendroideae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Suitable for: Pots, Hanging baskets

Common Name: Ascocenda princess mikasa
Genus: Ascocenda
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Flowers : Showy, Large, Pink color, 5 petals, fantastic blossom
Good For :Hanging baskets
Category : Hybrid Orchid
Camera : Sony HD
Location: Lalbagh, Karnataka, india

Common Name: Greenish Yellow Boat Orchids
Botanical name: Cymbidium lowianum
Family: Orchidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Flowers : Showy, 5 Greenish yellow color with 1 lower brown petals
Genus :Cymbidium
Camera : Sony HD
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india
Suitable for: Hanging baskets, pots
Flowers & Plants by Categories