- Cactus & Succulents Plants > Varieties with Names
Cactus & Succulents Plants, Varieties of cactus plants, cactus plants with names
Cactus grows in extremely dry environment or desert. Its growth can be 1 feet to 12 feet. Generally it has thorns or spines. Now a day many of the cactus are ornamental plants which can be grown in a small pot. Some of the varieties are poisonous. Some varieties have small leaves and showy colourful blooms

Common Name: Fishhook cactus
Type / category: Cactus and Succulents
Genus: Mammillaria
Family: Cactaceae
Light requirement : Sunny, part shade
Synonym :Mammillaria microcarpa
Good for : Containers, pots
Water & care: Average, do not over water, water regularly, Drought tolerant
Plant & foliage : Succulent

Common Name: Mexican Fire Barrel, Mexican Lime Cactus
Scientific name: Ferocactus pilosus
Family: Cactaceae
Plant / Foliage: Succulent, good for containers, pots
Genus : Ferocactus
Found in :Mexico
Type / category :Cactus and Succulents
Special feature : Drought-tolerant
Hazardous : Sharp red spines, handle carefully

Common Name: Hedgehog cactus
Genus: Echinocereus
Family: Cactaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native :Southern United States & Mexico
Light requirement :Sunny
Suitable for : Containers, desert garden, rocky place garden
Plant : Globular, bushy, very sharp golden yellow spines
Location : Ooty botanical garden, India

Common Name: Old Lady Cactus
Botanical name: Mammillaria hahniana
Family: Cactaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Genus : Mammillaria
Origin / Native :Central Mexico
Height / Spread: 10 inches to 8 inches wide
Category: Cactus and Succulents
Flowering season: Spring & summer
Propagation: Seeds, woody stem cuttings

Common Name: Thumb Cactus
Botanical name: Mammillaria matudae
Family: Cactaceae
Genus: Mammillaria
Type/ Category : Cactus and Succulents
Suitable for :Containers
Flowers: Pink, fuchsia, magenta, showy, colourful
Height: 12 inches tall
Light requirement: Sunny, part shade
Care: Average water, do not over water

Common Name: Cactus in containers
Family: Cactaceae
Order : Caryophyllales
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings, grafting
Pests and diseases : Mealybugs, whiteflies, red sider mites, slugs, snail, Fungi, bacteria and virus
Light requirement :Require Part shade in summer
Water : Do not over water
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Scientific Name: Echeveria 'Blue Heron'
Category: Evergreen or deciduous plant
Family: Crassulaceae
Order: Saxifragales
Origin / Native : Central America, Mexico
Plant :fleshy, succulent, grayish green leaf
Suitable for: Containers
Used for: Ornamental garden plants
Special feature: Tolerate shade and frost
Propagation: Offsets, leaf cuttings
Growth rate: Fast

Common Name: Silver Ruffles, Silver crown
Botanical name: Cotyledon undulata
Family: Crassulaceae
Order: Saxifragales
Category : Cactus, Succulent shrub
Genus :Cotyledon
Flowering colours: Yellow, orange
Height: 2 feet
Foliage: Greyish green, wavy edges, scallop shells shaped, suitable for containers

Common Name: Barrel cactus, fishhook barrel cactus, Arizona barrel cactus, cylindrical cactus
Botanical name: Ferocactus wislizeni
Family: Cactaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Mexico, North America
Height :Up to 6 feet tall
Light Requirement : Full sun
Flowering colors : White, yellow, orange

Common Name: Pineapple cactus, Nipple cactus
Botanical name: Mammillaria prolifera
Family: Cactaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela
Category / Habit :Cactus, Succulents
Synonym : Mammillaria sulcata
Best for : Pots, containers
Grow in : Desert, grassland
Flowering Season : Feb to Mar

Common Name: Drooping Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear Cactus, Cochineal Prickly Pear
Botanical name: Opuntia monacantha
Family: Cactaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Brazil, South America
Height :Up to 13 feet tall
Type : Shrub, small tree, hedge plant
Flowers: Lemon yellow
Tamil : Kalli cedi
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