- Star cluster > Varieties with Names & Details
Star cluster flower varieties

Common Name: Fuchsia pentas lanceolata, Egyptian Star Cluster, Star Flower
Botanical name: Pentas lanceolata
Family: Rubiaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Tropical E.Africa, South Arabia, Yemen
Height :Up to 1.2192 meters
Type : Perennial herb
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers :Fuchsia pink, small, clustered

Common Name: Lavender egyptian star cluster
Botanical name: Pentas lanceolata
Family: Rubiaceae [madder family]
Type: Evergreen perennial shrub
Origin / Native : Africa
Light Requirement :Full Sun
Flowering Season : All Year
Flowers: Lavender, plum, medium purple, clustered
Best for: Butterfly garden, pots, containers

Common Name: Pentas lanceolata white
Botanical name: Pentas lanceolata
Flowering Season:Summer, Spring, Autumn
Origin / Native : Africa
Water & Light : Full Sun, Average Water
Type :Annual, Tropical perennial
Flowers : White, showy, small, clustered
Height : 3 feet tall
Camera : Nikon D40X
Good for : Butterfly garden, borders

Name: Pentas lanceolata flower buds
Location: Melur, Srirangam, Trichy
Flower Buds: Clustered, lavender purple color, mild hairy, surrounded with green bracts
Family: Rubiaceae
Order: Gentianales
Best For: Butterfly garde, borders, pots
Foliage:Evergreen, simple, 3 feet tall
Flowers: Lavender purple, mild hairy, clustered
Light requirement: Sunny, open, easy to care

Common Name: Purple pentas
Botanical name: Pentas carnea
Family:Rubiaceae [madder family]
Growth Rate : Fast
Origin / Native : Yemen, Africa
Good For :Borders, Summer butterfly garden
Type : Annual
Flowers : Purple, slate blue, clustered
Location : Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, karnatka, india

Common Name:Pink egyptian Starcluster
Botanical name: Pentas lanceolata
Origin / Native : Africa
Attracts : Butterflies
Type :Evergreen perennial shrub
Flowers : Pink, hot pink, showy, clustered
Best for : Contianers, borders, garden beds
Location : Chennai Flowershow, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Pentas Lanceolata Pink
Botanical name: Pentas graffiti
Tolerance & Flowers : Heat & Small, pink with red throat, Star Shaped, clustered
Origin / Native : Mexico
Type :Tender Perennial, Annual
Category : Subshrub
Flowers : Pink with red, clustered, showy
Best for : Borders, garden beds, butterfly garden
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