- Gazania > Varieties with Names & Details
Varieties of Gazania

Name: Gazania big kiss white flame
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle :Short lived Annual, Perennial
Suitable for : Pots, borders, containers, garden beds, ground cover
Propagation: From seeds
Flowers: White, purple striped blooms, showy
Light requirement: Sunny, open

Common Name: Treasure Flower
Botanical name:Gazania big kiss orange flame
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle :Short lived Annual, Perennial
Suitable for : Pots, borders, containers, garden beds, ground cover
Propagation: From seeds
Flowers: Orange red brown with black tricolor

Common Name: Gazania white, Gazania gazoo clear vanilla, trailing gazania
Botanical name: Gazania linearis
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Height :Up to 1 feet tall
Type : Half-hardy annual summer plant
Best for: Pots, containers
Flowers: Honey Dew, White with black
Location : Kodaikanal, India

Common Name: Gazania rigens gazoo
Botanical name: Gazania rigens
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle : Perennial
Category : Herb
Synonym : Gazania splendens
Location : Ooty, Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India
White variety : Gazania rigens 'Gazoo Clear Vanilla'
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