- Petunia > Varieties with Names & Details
Petunia varieties,Types of Petunia,Petunia flower collection

Common Name:Petunia double
First Prize : HAL - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Botanical name: Petunia Hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order : Solanales
Foliage :Evergreen
Special Feature :Salt & Weather tolerance
Best for: Pots, borders, hanging baskets, contianers, garden beds
Flowers: Large, showy, bicolour, double

Common Name: Petunia ultra rose star
Botanical name: Petunia Hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Synonym : Petunia Multiflora, Petunia grandiflora
Special Feature :Salt & Weather tolerance
Flowers : Deep pink with white star, large, showy, velvety, wavy blooms
Best for: Pots, borders, hanging baskets, contianers, garden beds
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Carpet Blue Lace Petunia
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Spread: 12 inches wide
Height :12 inches tall
Flowering Season : Spring, Summer, Late Summer
Flowers : Blue purple with lavender, medium slate blue, large
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Pots, borders, hanging basket

Common Name: Petunia frost fire
Botanical name:Petunia multiflora
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : North & South America
Type / Life cycle :Perennials, half hardy annuals
Flowers : Deep pink, medium violet red with white bicolour, showy, colourful, funnel shaped
Synonym : Petunia grandiflora, Petunia Hybrida
Flowering season : Summer to autumn

Common Name: Petunia celebrity raspberry ice
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Height & spread: 9-12 inches, 12 inches
Synonym :Petunia multiflora
Used for : Bedding, borders, conatiner
Flowers : Pink with magenta or deep pink
Light requirement: Full Sun, Moist, well drained soil

Common Name: Petunia celebrity strawberry ice
Botanical name: Petunia grandiflora
Order : Solanales
Height : 27.940cm
Light requirement & care :Sunny, open, & warm, fertile & free draining soil
Spread : 12 inches
Propagation : Sow seeds in green house or propagator, discard after blooming

Common Name: Petunia star flower
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Life Cycle : Annual
Origin / Native : Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, South America
Light Requirement & Care :Full Sun, Well drained soil
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Pots, borders, hanging basket
Flowers : Red with white, bicolour, showy

Common Name: Petunia ultra star flower
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Order : Solanales
Origin / Native : South America
Good For :Hanging baskets & Containers
Type : Annual or perennial
Fowers : Deep pink, magenta, fuchsia with white, showy, funnel shped
Pests & diseases : Aphids attack immature shoots, Virus distort growth

Common Name: Petunia, surfinia petunia
Botanical name: Petunia violacea
Order : Solanales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Height :Up to 12 inches
Synonym : Petunia integrifolia
Propagation : Sow seeds in greenhouse or propagator-temp[60 F] in march
Pests & Diseases : Aphids & virus

Common Name: Pink petunia
Botanical name: Petunia Multiflora
Origin / Native : South & North America
Type : Perennials or half hardy annuals
Flowers :Pink with white throat, colourful
Used for : Bedding, container plants
Care & cultivation : Ope, full sun & warm, fertile & free draining soils, feed potassium compound occasionally

Common Name: Purple petunia, Picotee Petunia
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Best For : Hanging baskets, Borders
Origin / Native : South America
Flowers :Purple, Medium violet ted, dark magenta with red bicolour, colourful
Site : Full sun, open, warm
Soil : Fertile, free draining
Propagation : Seeds
Location : Bangalore, Karnataka, South India

Common Name: Petunia blue violet
Botanical name: Petunia multiflora hybrid
Flowers : Ultra Violet blue, Large, showy
Origin / Native : South America
Light requirement & care :Sunny, warm & open
Best for : Borders, garden beds, hanging baskets
Soil : Fertile & free draining
Pests & diseases : Aphids-attack immature shoots, virus disease-stunt & distort growth

Common Name: Petunia Purple
Botanical name: Petunia × atkinsiana
Flowers : Ultra purple, Large, Wavy, 4 inch
Origin / Native : Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
Type :Annual herb
Good For : Hanging baskets, borders, pots
Flowers : Purple, dark magenta, wavy, showy, colourful
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Petunia pink purple, Blue Morn
Botanical name: Petunia violacea
Special feature:Summer Flower, heat tolerant
Spread : Up to 76 cm wide
Origin / Native : Argentina, Ecuador, South America
Height :Up to 30 cm tall
Good For : Borders, pots, hanging baskets, bedding garden
Flowers : Purple, medium violet red, dark magenta, colourful, showy

Common Name: Petunia red violet
Botanical name: Petunia multiflora
Flowes : Red violet, Deep pink, colourful, Large, Wavy
Light Requirement : Full Sun
Attracts : Butterflies, Humming birds
Flowering Season :All Year
Type : Perennial, Summer annual
Height : 9-12 inches
Suitable for : Mixed borders, garden beds, borders, hanging baskets

Common Name: Ultra Blue Star Petunia
Botanical name: Petunia grandiflora
Family : Solanaceae
Good For: Hanging baskets, border
Attracts : Butterflies, Bees
Flowers : Large, velvety blue purple with white, funnel shaped
Life cycle : Annual
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india
Camera :Nikon D40X

Common Name:Petunia in hanging basket
Botanical name: Petunia Hybrida
Family : Solanaceae
Order : Solanales
Synonym : Petunia Multiflora, Petunia grandiflora
Camera: Nikon D40X
Flowers: Dark magenta with blue throat, showy, colourful with evergreen foliage
Location: Ooty botanical garden, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India

Common Name: Ultra pink petunia
Botanical name: Petunia grandiflora
Family : Solanaceae
Height: 12 inches
Light requirement: Sunny, Open
Special Feature :Weather tolerant
Suitable for : Borders, garden beds, hanging baskets
Flowers: Pink, Deep pink, magenta with white throat, large, wavy, colourful, showy
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Violet petunia
Botanical name: Petunia violacea
Family: Solanaceae [potato family]
Flowers: Large, Showy, Fragrant, Blue violet color, 5 cm wide, Funnel shaped
Origin / Native : South America
Special Characteristic :Heat tolerant
Suitable for : Borders, containers, pots, garden beds
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Height : Up to 12 inches

Common Name: Gerbera petunia wonderla
Flowers used:Gerbera & petunia
Colors: Yellow, magenta pink with purple, blue and white theme
Location: Lalbagh independence day flower show 2014
Flowers count : 50 daisies and 100 & more petunia
Camera :Nikon D40X
Photographs : Guna Selvi
Height: Up to 1 feet
Lenth: 5 feet wide

Common Name: Lilac petunia
Botanical name: Petunia grandiflora
Family: Solanaceae
Type: Perennials, half hardy annuals
Origin / Native : North, South America
Flowers :Liliac, large, funnel shaped
Best for : Bedding garden, borders, pots, containers
Height: 12 inches
Flowering Season: Summer to autumn
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Magenta color petunia, Surfinia petunia
Botanical name: Petunia integrifolia
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Petunia
Origin / Native : Argentina, South America
Type : Annual
Flowers: Magenta, dark orchid, dark violet, blue violet, purple, large, wavy petals
Best for: Pots, containers, borders, hanging baskets
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers & Plants by Categories