Datura innoxia

Common Name :Indian-apple, pricklyburr, moonflower, recurved thorn-apple,toloache Botanical name :Datura innoxia Family : Solanaceae

Datura Inoxia

Order - Solanales

Genus - Datura

Species - D. innoxia

Origin/Native - Central & South America

Height - Up to 3 feet tall

Spread - Up to 2 feet wide

Category - Annual shrub

Flowering Season - Early Summer-Late Fall

Foliage - Grayish green, large, elliptic shaped, covered with gray hairs

Flowers - White, funnel shaped, 7.2 inches long blooms

Fruits - Egg shaped covered with spines

Hazardous - All parts of this plant is poisonous[toxic] to humans and animals

Propagation- From seeds & rhizomes

Tamil- Oomatham poo, Oomatham flower

Datura innoxia fruit
Datura innoxia fruit

Datura innoxia flower bud
Datura innoxia flower bud

Datura innoxia flower stamens and stigma
Datura innoxia flower stamens and stigma

Datura innoxia young fruits and hairy stems
Datura innoxia young fruits and hairy stems

Datura innoxia plant
Datura innoxia plant

Datura innoxia leaves
Datura innoxia leaves

Datura innoxia flower
Datura innoxia flower

Photographs: Guna Selvi Camera: Nikon D40x Location : Kundadam, Dharapuram, Erode, Tirupur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

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