- Flowers by Name D >Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Dianthus gratianopolitanus

Origin / Native - Russia, China, Mongolia
Height - Up to 12 inches
Spread - 1 feet [12 inches, 300mm]wide
Type - Annual, Perennial or biennial
Flowering Month - May-July to August
Flowers - Magenta, white with pink, showy blooms
Foliage - Grey green, Erect, stiff stems, lance shaped leaves
Light requirement & care - Sunny, open, good, free draining soil
ProPagation - From seeds
Cultivation - Spring- Plant immature stock from pots, Late summer-Remove old flower heads & trim lacking in restraint[unmanageable, unruly] plants
Pests & Diseases - Aphids cause problems, Rust, Anther smut may occur
Suitable for - Borders, pots, containers, rock gardens, cut flowers
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