- Flowers by Name E >Eichhornia crassipes
Eichhornia crassipes

A beautiful floating aquatic herb, roots profuse at the nodes. Leaves arranged in rosette, spathulate, petiole swollen. Flowers lavender violet in spikes. Fruit obovoid capsule. A troublesome weed, introduced from America, common in all still and moving waters
Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Commelinales
Genus - Eichhornia
Species - crassipes
Category - Free-floating aquatic plant, Herb
Origin / Native - South America, Amazon rainforest
Growth Rate - Fast
Height - Up to 1 feet tall
Spread - Up to 1.2 feet wide
Life Cycle/Type - Perennial
Flowering Season - May, June, July, August, Sept
Foliage & Plant - Green, thick, glossy, ovate, 7.8 inches wide leaves connected with bulbous stalks
Flowers - Medium, showy, Lavender pink color, 6 petals, upper petal is blue, yellow & purple mixed, 8 to 15 flowers connected with single spikes
Roots - Black, submerged in under water
Uses - Medicinal, cuisine, ornamental
Synonym - Eichhornia speciosa
Light Requirement & Care for growth - Full Sun, full moisture, high maintenance
Hazards - Seeds are poisonous
Attracts - Bees
Good For - Water garden, Ponds
Tamil - Aagaya thamarai
Hindi - Jal kumbhi
Common water hyacinth
Common water hyacinth plants
Common water hyacinth flower petals
Eichhornia crassipes flower bud
Eichhornia crassipes flower buds closeup view
Eichhornia crassipes flowers-Close up view
Eichhornia crassipes foliage & petiole
Eichhornia crassipes lamina, seed capsules
Eichhornia crassipes petiole
Eichhornia crassipes solms
Eichhornia speciosa flower spike
Floating eichhornia crassipes
Piaropus crassipes
Pond covered with eichhornia crassipes
Water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes
Water hyacinth flower
Water hyacinth petiole, leaves
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