- Flowers by Name F >Fuchsia boliviana
Fuchsia boliviana

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Myrtales
Genus - Fuchsia
Origin / Native - Argentina, Bolivia, Southern Peru, South America, New Zealand
Category - Small Tree, large erect shrub, vine
Type / Life Cycle - Perennial
Height - 12 to 20 feet tall
White variety - Fuchsia boliviana 'Alba'
Propagation From - Seed
Uses - Ornamental
Flowering Season - All year-round
Flowers - Large, showy, decorative, tubular, colorful, clustered, trumpet-shaped, 4 inches long, hanging red blooms with white stamens & stigma
Fruits - Green, edible
Foliage&Plant - Evergreen, large, oval-shaped leaves with woody, healthy stems
Attracts - Bees, Hummingbirds
Light Requirement&Care - Part sun, Part shade, cool temperature, well drained, moist soil, water daily
Found In - Cool forests
Growth Rate - Fast
Good For - Continers, Edges, hanging baskets
Red boliviana
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