- Flowers by Name F >Fuchsia mrs popple
Fuchsia mrs popple

Description - A colorful genus, comprising about a hundred species mostly native to tropical America, with a few in New Zealand. Shrubby plants with opposite, oval leaves clothing stems that vary in height and bear flowers with recurving sepals, the petals forming a tube from which the stigma and anthers protrude conspicuously. Of the hardy species that may be grown in favoured localities out-of-doors, F.macrostemma[syn.F.magellanica] of chile has several varieties, notably conica , with carmine sepals and purple tube; corallina , crimson and plum; globosa, purplish-red; gracilis , scarlet and purple; pumila , scarlet; thomsoni , red and purple; and riccartoni, crimson and purple.
They may be grown in the open border or, better still, against a south wall in good well-drained loam. Fuchsias are often cut to ground-level by hard frost, but in-variably produce fresh growth and bloom freely in the same year.
Propagation is by means of cutting half-ripened wood in late summer.
The flowering season is from june to october
Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Myrtales
Genus - Fuchsia
Synonym - Fuchsia magellanica
Culivar Name - Mrs Popple
Type - Perennial
Category - Small tree, Deciduous shrub
Origin / Native - Central and South America, Caribbean island, New Zealand
Propagation From - Seed, Cutting
Good For - Fence, protective wall, bedding garden, hanging baskets, borders, containers
Flowers - Showy, decorative, large, tubular, colorful, fuchsia red with purple blooms hanging & facing downwards
Flowering Season - May to september
Foliage&Plant - Upright, lance shaped, green leaves with red stems
Growth Rate - Moderate
Light Requirement&Care - Full sun, part shade, well drained, moist soil, water daily
Height - Up to 12 feet tall
Spread - Up to 72 inches wide
Attracts - Bees, butterflies, birds
Fuchsia hybrida
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