- Flowers by Name J >Jatropha gossypiifolia
Jatropha gossypiifolia

Order - Malpighiales
Genus - Jatropha
Species - gossypiifolia
Origin/Native - Tropical America, South America, Mexico, Caribbean islands
Category - Shrub
Life Cycle - Perennial
Uses - Medicinal
Good For - Outdoors, Containers, Wild Garden
Grows in - Tropical areas, Abandoned areas, River flats, Roadsides, Bank of the river
Foliage - Glossy, burgundy-red, Dark green, Three lobed leaves, Spirally arranged, Immature/new leaves-purple, sticky with dark brown hairy edges, Matured leaves - dark green color with hairy margins
Flowers - Small, Deep Red, Maroon with yellow centric, Clustered, 5 petals, it can be found in upper part of the plant
Hazards - Fruits and seeds are poisonous to humans and animals
Height - Up to 6 feet to 13 feet tall
Seed pods- Smooth, oval, Contain 3 to 4 seeds, 1.2000cm
Light Requirement - Full Sun
Stem - Thick, woody, erect, short, single-stemmed in the beginning
Plants - Shallow rooted
Special Feature - Heat tolerance
Hindi - Bherenda, Ratanjoti
Tamil - Siria Amanakku, Adalai, Atalai
Telugu - Amadam, Nala amudam, Nepalamu, Nela amudam
Kannada - Chikka kada haralu
Malayalam - Chuvanna Kadalavanakku, Simayavanakku
Manipuri - E-hidak
Bengali - Lal bherenda
Gujarathi - Erandi, Torspodla
Jatropha gossypiifolia flower
Jatropha gossypiifolia young leaves
Jatropha gossypiifolia foliage - Matured leaves
Jatropha gossypiifolia plant, Stems
Jatropha gossypiifolia flower buds
Bellyache bush plant, foliage & flowers
Cotton Leaf Physic nut
Jatropha gossypiifolia fruits & seeds
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