- Flowers by Name K >Kigelia africana
Kigelia africana

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Lamiales
Genus - Kigelia
Type - Evergreen, deciduous, ornamental tree
Origin / Native - Tropical Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Eritrea
Height - Up to 65.7 feet tall [ 20 meters]
Flowering Month - Mar to May
Hindi - Balam khira, Jhar fanoos
Fruits used in - African herbal medicine
Attracts - Butterflies, Bees, Birds, bats
Flowers - Large, Velvety, Maroon, Deep Red, bell-shaped, Fragrant, clustered flowers connected with long stems
Leaves - Dark Green, Glossy[slightly], Oppositely arranged, Compound, 8 oval shaped leaflets
Fruits - Long, Brown, Woody, Pulpy, Drooping, 13.228lb to 19.842lb, Summer to Frost, Attracts baboons, monkeys
Found In - Forests, Floodplains, Riverbanks
Hazards - Immature, green, fresh fruit is poisonous, Falling fruits seriously damage vehicles & harm to humans
Light Requirement & Care -Full sun, Average Water
Growth Rate - Fast
Best For -Bank of a river, Parks, Public garden
Close up view of kigelia africana flower bud
Sausage tree flower bud - Near Blooming
Kigelia africana flower
Sausage tree flower spikes
Kigelia africana bark
Full View of Kigelia africana - Sausage tree
Kigelia africana flower buds
Kigelia africana fruit and leaves
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