- Flowers by Name L >Lavender petunia
Lavender petunia

Kingdom - Plantae
Category - Perennials, half hardy annuals
Origin / Native - North & South America
Suitable for - Bedding garden, contianers, borders
Height - 12 inches tall
Flowering season - Through out summer to Autumn
Two groups of cultivars - Multifora [2 in wide blooms, large number of flowers], Grandiflora[Large flowers, 4 inches wide blooms]
Best Multifora varieties - Resisto Mixed [blue, pink, yellow, red, white], Sugar Plum[Lavender & deep colour veins]
Best Grandiflora varieties - Cherry Frost & Blue frost [ White, waves edges], Cascade mixed [ mixed colours, good for bedding garden & baskets], Razzle Dazzle [blue, red, purple blooms with white striped], Super Fanfare Mixed [Double blooms, large]
Light Requirement & care - Sunny, open & warm, fertile free draining soils, occasional high-potash feed, Deadhead plants regularly, discard after flowering
Pests & Diseases - Aphids attack young shoots, Virus disease distort growth
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