- Flowers by Name M >Millettia pinnata
Millettia pinnata

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Fabales
Species - pinnata
Genus - Millettia
Synonyms - Pongamia pinnata, Galedupa indica
Category - Deciduous legume tree
Origin / Native - India, Tropical Asia
Height - 65 to 70 feet tall
Flowering Season - Summer, spring, throughout the year
Tamil - Pungai
Kannada - Honge mara
Hindi - Karanj
Flowers -Small, fragrant, showy, cluster of 40 flowers connected with long thin stalk & opposite arrangement, pea shaped, purplish pink in color
Foliage - Simple, bright green, soft, glossy, veined, alternate, newly born is burgundy in color, 7 leaves connected with short individual stalk & the whole looked like feathery
Attracts - Bees, butterflies, birds
Best For - Parks, avenue, roadsides, landscape design
Uses - Medicinal, oil, commercial
Light Requirement & Feature -Full sun, drought tolerant, will grown in all type of soils, average water
Millettia pinnata flower buds and leafs with veins
Pongam oil tree flower stalks and bracts
Millettia pinnata flower cluster with honey bee
Millettia pinnata flowers
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