- Flowers by Name S >Spathodea campanulata
Spathodea campanulata

Genus - Spathodea
Species - campanulata
Category - Large, deciduous ornamental tree
Origin / Native - Africa's tropical forests, Uganda
Height - Up to 80 feet tall
Uses - Medicinal
Flowers - Large, showy, scarlet orange, crimson red or yellow, bell, cup or funnel shaped, buds are velvety greenish brown with whorls like arrangement
Flowering Season - March to dec
Fruits - woody with flat dark browm seeds, Pods contains 10 to 12 seeds
Stems - woody, thick skin, Hairy
Attracts - Birds
Foliage - Dark green, glossy, smooth, large, pinnate leaves, leaflets are oval shaped & veined
Seeds - Edible
Fruits - Dark brown, Central portion of the fruit is poisonous
Attracts - Birds
Spathodea campanulata flower[large, scarlet orange with yellow centric]
African Tulip tree flower
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