- Flowers by Name Z >Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica

Kingdom – Plantae
Order - Alismatales
Species - aethiopica
Genus - Zantedeschia
Cultivar name - zantedeschia aethiopica crowborough
Synonyms - Richardia africana, Calla moschata, Calla aethiopica
Category - Bulbs, Herb
Type/Life Cycle - Perennial
Origin / Native - South Africa
Height - 24 inches to 36 inches tall
Flowers- Large, pure white in color, funnel shaped spathe with yellow spadix
Foliage - Dark green, broad, glossy, deciduous or semi evergreen, 1 feet 5 inches long, heart-shaped leaves with wavy tip
Flowering season - Early spring, summer, fall
Flowering Month - May, june, july
Hazards - Dangerous, plant's parts are poisonous, dont eat
Propagation - Bulbs, tuber, dividing rhizomes, seeds
Fruits - Soft, orange yellow
Seeds - Grey
Attracts - Bees, birds
Growth Rate- Moderate
Good For- borders of the streams, architectural garden, edges & margins of a pond, baskets, containers
Uses - Ornamental plant, cut flowers
Light Requirement & Feature - Full sun, part shade, moist, humus-rich well drained soil
White calla lily
Calla lily-White spathe with yellow spadix
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