- Flowers by Name C >Cannonball tree
Cannonball tree

Order - Ericales
Genus - Couroupita
Species - guianensis
Origin / Native - Central & South America
Height - Up to 35 m
Hindi- Nagalinga
Tamil - Naagalingam, Nagalingam tree
Flowering Month - March, April, May, June, July, Aug, Sep
Flowering Season - Summer, Spring
Category - Large, Tropical, Deciduous tree
Attracts - Bats, Flies, Bees
Found In - Rainforest
Flowers - Large, Showy, Strong fragrant, 6 petals with white racemes, Clustered
Flowering Colors - Orange, Pink, Red, Maroon, Yellow
Fruits - Edible, Globe/ball shaped, Brown, Covered with hard, woody skin, unpleasant odors, cracked fruit is blue in color
Uses - Ornamental, Medicinal
Leaves - Simple, Dark green, Alternate, Ovate
Considered to be - Religious tree
Best For - Temples, Road sides, Public garden, Parks
Growth Rate - Fast
Flower buds of cannonball tree
Couroupita guianensis tree with flowers
Cannonball tree bark
Cannonball tree leaves
Cannonball tree fruit
Cannonball fruit with seeds[blue color inside]
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