- Flower Names > C
Flowers by Name : C
Flowers categorized by Letter c

Common Name: Rubber vine
Botanical name: Cryptostegia grandiflora
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Madagascar
Type&Life Cycle : Ornamental perennial vine
Height : Up to 15 m tall
Flowers: Lavender purple, 5 petals, 2 to 3 blooms clustered
Tamil Name: Karutappalai, Garudappaalai

Common Name: Hillyhock, Yellow butterfly vine, Gallinita
Botanical name: Callaeum macropterum
Family: Malpighiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Mexico, california
Category :Evergreen tropical vine
Flowering Season : Summer, Spring
Flowers: Yellow, clustered, 5 petals, clustered
Height: 15 feet tall

Common Name: Castor bean plant, castor oil plant , palm of Christ
Botanical name: Ricinus communis
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : India, Africa
Life Cycle :Perennial shrub
Tamil : Amanakku, Kottamuthu, kotta muthu
Height: up to 10 feet
Flowers: Greenish yellow, clustered

Common Name: Graceful spurge, Graceful Sandmat, milk purslane
Botanical name: Chamaesyce hypericifolia
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Africa, India, America
Category :Cactus
Type: Annual
Flowers: Tiny, white, 5 petals, clustered, hairy fruits
Foliage: Dark green,oval leaf, red stems

Common Name: Willow Leaved Dayflower
Botanical name: Commelina clavata
Family: Commelinaceae
Order: Commelinales
Origin / Native : China, India, Yunnan
Hindi :Jalpipari
Type : Perennial herb
Foliage: Evergreen, hairy leaf
Flowers : Blue & purple, 2 velvety petals
Grows in : River banks, streams, plains, fields

Common Name: Rattlebox, rattlepod
Botanical name: Crotalaria albida
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : India, China, Asia, Pakistan, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Nepal
Type : Herbaceous plants , woody shrubs
Height: 24 inches tall
Flowers: Yellow with brown veins, pea shaped, small, hairy bracts

Common Name: Bristly Bryony, Mukia maderaspatana, Madras pea pumpkin
Botanical name: Cucumis maderaspatanus
Family: Cucurbitaceae [gourd family]
Flowers: Yellow, tiny, 5 petals, green hairy bracts
Origin / Native : Africa, Asia, china, Australia
Hindi :Aganaki
Tamil : Muchumuchukkai, Musumuskkai, Nagilangiai
Type : Annual climbing creeper

Common Name: Croton, Cascarilla
Botanical name: Croton eluteria
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Caribbean, America
Flowering Season :March, April
Height : Up to 4 meters
Type : Shrub, small tree
Foliage : Deep green
Flowers : White, clustered, connected with long green stems

Common Name: Monkey Brush Vine
Botanical name: Combretum aubletii
Order: Myrtales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru
Type :Semideciduous climbing vine, Small Tree
Flowering Season : Spring, summer
Light Requirement : Full sun
Foliage: Deep green, glossy, simple leaf

Common Name: Cup of gold, chalice vine, Golden Chalice Vine
Botanical name: Solandra maxima
Family: Solanaceae [nightshade family]
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : South America, Caribbean, Mexico
Flower facts :fragrant at night
Type : Shrubby climber
Flowers : Large, cup shaped, yellow with brown strips

Common Name: Chilean cestrum, green poison berry, green cestrum, Willow Leaved Jessamine
Botanical name: Cestrum parqui
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : Central and South America
Flowering Month : Feb to May
Type :perennial shrub
Flowers: yellow, clustered, small, 6 petals
Foliage: Dark green

Common Name: Pride of Barbados, Dwarf poinciana, Dwarf Flamboyant
Botanical name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Tropical America, west indies
Height : Up to 3 m
Tamil : Nazhal, Mayirkonrai
Flowers : Small, yellow, clustered, 4 petals
Best for : Edges, borders

Common Name: Cockscomb Snake Cobra Head, Foxtail Amaranth
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae [amaranth family]
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India, Indonesia
Height : Up to 4 feet tall
Tamil : Kozhi poo
Flowers : Large, salmon pink with beige
Seeds : Black, glossy

Common Name: Cockscomb White, Crested Celosia, Hen's Horn Flower
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Height :Up to 48 inches tall
Flowering Month : Apr to Nov
Flowers : Large, greenish white
Best for : Edges, borders, pots, ground cover

Common Name: Cineraria pink
Botanical name: Cineraria
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type / Life cycle : Annual ornamental plant
Light Requirement : Full Sun
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : pink & white, bicolor, 3 inches wide
Foliage : Yellowish green

Common Name: Chrysanths, mums
Botanical name: Chrysanthemum indicum
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : China, Asia, Northeast Europe
Type : Perennial plant, subshrub
Tamil : Manjal Samanthipoo, saamandhi
Best for : Borders, containers,pots, garden beds
Flowers : Small, yellow with red centric

Common Name: Chrysanthemum yellow red
Botanical name: Chrysanthemum indicum
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Flowering Season : Year around
Light Requirement : Full Sun
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Yellow & brown, large, aromatic with dark green foliage

Common Name: Canna Yellow, canna lily
Botanical name: Canna
Family: Cannaceae
Order: Zingiberales
Origin / Native : East Indies, Europe, America, India, US, Texas, Argentina
Leaf Type : Alternate leaves
Type : Tropical, subtropical perennial herb
Best for : Borders, containers,pots, edges
Flowers : Large, yellow with orange dotted pattern

Common Name: Catharanthus Roseus Pink Red, Vinca rosea pink with red
Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Madagascar, Indian Ocean island
Tamil : Nityhakalyani
Type : Annual, perennial ornamental plant
Flowers : Large, magenta pink with red, 3 inche wide, 5 petals

Common Name: Catharanthus Roseus White Purple, old-maid
Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Madagascar, Indian Ocean island
Type : Ornamental plant, small shrub
Height : 12 inches to 2 feet tall [ 0.60 meter]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots

Common Name: Cockscomb Silver Pink
Botanical name: Celosia argentea
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Hindi : Lalmurga
Height : Up to 36 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Leaf arrangement : Alternate
Best for : Borders, containers,pots

Common Name: Celosia Red, Hen's Horn Flower
Botanical name: Celosia argentea
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Height : Up to 36 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Flowers : Magenta pink, clustered spike with red stems

Common Name: Cockscomb orange
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 35 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Large, wavy petals, deep orange in color

Common Name: Cockscomb Lemon Yellow, woolflowers, Velvet flower
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 5 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Hindi : Lalmurga

Common Name: Cockscomb Pink Zigzag
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : India, Indonesia, Africa
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 5 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Large, white with pink edges, 5 inches wide and 10 inches long blooms

Common Name: Cockscomb Red White Mixed, Wool Flower, rooster's comb
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 5 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Class : Magnoliopsida

Common Name: Cockscomb Gold Hybrid
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 5 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Large, wavy petals, gold in color, 9 inches lond blooms

Common Name: Cockscomb Bicolor
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 5 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Large, wavy petals, pink with white, bicolor

Common Name: Crested Celosia, Cockscomb
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Light Requirement : Full sun
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Best for : Borders, containers,pots, garden beds
Flowers : Maroon red with red stems, glossy, tiny, black seeds

Common Name: Crossandra, Firecracker flower
Botanical name: Crossandra infundibuliformis
Family: Acanthaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : South India, Sri Lanka
Type : Evergreen subshrub, erect
Tamil : Kanakamparam
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Small, clustered, orange with yellow throat

Common Name: Canna lily
Botanical name: Canna
Family: Cannaceae
Order: Zingiberales
Origin / Native : India, South Carolina, US, Texas, Argentina, Europe, East Indies
Type : Tropical, subtropical perennial herb
Attracts : Bats, bees, hummingbirds
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : crimson red in color, clustered, large, 4 petals

Common Name: Cosmos bipinnatus pink, Cut Leaf Cosmos, Mexican Aster, garden cosmos
Botanical name: Cosmos bipinnatus
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : North America
Height: Up to 48 inches tall
Type : Half-hardy annual, Ornamental plant
Best for : Borders, containers,pots, garden beds
Flowers : Pink in color, 11 petals, brown seeds

Common Name: Chrysanthemum deep pink, Tanacetum, Pyrethrum
Botanical name: Tanacetum coccineum
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Dalmatia, Asia
Height : Up to 2 feet tall
Type : Perennial ornamental plant, sub-shrubs
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Large, deep magenta pink in color, 4 inches wide

Common Name: Vinca rosea, Madagascar rosy periwinkle, Cape periwinkle
Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Madagascar, Indian Ocean island
Type : Annual, perennial
Tamil : Nityhakalyani
Best for : Borders, containers,pots, garden beds
Flowers : Small, pinkish purple, 5 petals

Common Name: Mallow bindweed, morning glory
Botanical name: Convolvulus althaeoides
Family: Convolvulaceae
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : Mediterranean region
Type : Climbing annual vines
Blooming Time : Morning 6 am to 7 am
Best for : Hedges, walls
Flowers : Large, funnel shaped, white, purple, with pink throat

Common Name: Calendula officinalis orange, English marigold
Botanical name: Calendula officinalis
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Southern Europe
Height : Up to 30 inches
Type : Short lived herbaceous perennial, annual
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : Small, orange with yellow bicolor

Common Name: Chinese Violet, Asystasia, Coromandel, Creeping Foxglove
Botanical name: Asystasia gangetica
Family: Acanthaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : India, Africa, nigeria
Height : Up to 3 meter tall
Type : Ornamental plant, Perennial herb
Flowers : Small, purple with lemon yellow throat, funnel shaped

Common Name: Mexican Aster
Botanical name: Cosmos bipinnatus
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : North America
Height : Up to 48 inches tall
Type : half-hardy annual, Ornamental plant
Best for : Borders, pots, containers, edges, garden beds
Flowers : Large, baby pink, with brown seeds

Common Name: Catharanthus roseus blue, Vinca rosea blue
Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Madagascar, Indian Ocean island
Height : Up to 2 feet tall
Type : Annual, perennial ornamental plant
Flowers : Small, blue with white bicolor, 5 petals, deep green foliage

Common Name: Crown flower, milkweed, swallow-wort
Botanical name: Calotropis gigantea
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : India,Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand
Tamil : Erukku
Type : Shrub or small tree
Flowers : Small, purple with white, 5 petals, clustered, grayish green foliage

Common Name: Orange River lily
Botanical name: Crinum bulbispermum
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type : Herbaceous ornamental plant
Height : Up to 3 feet
Flowering Month : Jun to Aug
Flowers : Large, Funnel shaped, white with pink striped, egg shaped flower buds hanging/ facing upside down

Common Name: Catharanthus roseus purple
Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Madagascar, Indian Ocean island
Tamil : Nityhakalyani
Type : Annual, perennial ornamental plant, small shrub
Foliage : Deep green, glossy
Flowers : Pinkish purple with marron centric, attracts butterflies and bees

Common Name: Jute, East Indian Mallow
Botanical name: Corchorus capsularis
Family: Malvaceae
Order: Malvales
Origin / Native : India, Asia, Africa, Burma
Height : Up to 2 feet tall
Type : Annual
Foliage : Deep green leaf & stems
Growth Habit : Subshrub, Forb, herb
Flowers : Tiny, clustered, 3 petals, yellow flowers & bracts

Common Name: Cockscomb, feathered amaranth
Botanical name: Celosia argentea
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Height : 12 inches to 4 feet tall
Type : Annual, Perennial, Herbaceous perennial
Foliage : Evergreen, best for borders, pots,containers
Tamil : Kolikondai

Common Name: Chrysanthemum Green
Botanical name: Chrysanthemum
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : China, Asia, Europe
Height : Up to 36 inches tall
Type : Perennial
Habit : Herb, Sub-shrub
Foliage : Deep green
Best for : Pots, containers, borders, garden beds, garland, bouquet
Flowers : Green, small
Flowers & Plants by Categories