- Flowers by Name C >Cleome viscosa | Asian spider flower
Cleome viscosa | Asian spider flower

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Brassicales
Genus - Cleome
Synonym - Polanisia viscosa
Height - 4.5 to 5 feet tall
Type / Life cycle - Annual
Category - Branched woody herb
Origin / Native - Asia, Africa
Found in - Forest, river banks
Flowers - Small, yellow, 4 petals, 13 stamens
Foliage&Plant - Green, obovate, compound, 5 leaflets, hairy stem
Fruits - Green, hairy, sticky, mustard like brown seeds
Maintenance - Full sun, part shade, easy to grow, average water
Propagation - Seeds
Growth Rate - Fast
Uses - Medicinal
Tamil - Naikkaduku, Naivelai
Yellow spider flower with foliage, Flower buds
Yellow spider flower
Cleome viscosa fruits[Immature, young]
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