- Flowers by Name C >Cordia sebestena
Cordia sebestena

Species - sebestena
Genus - Cordia
Origin / Native - Florida, Bahamas, Venezuela, Tropics of America
Height - Up to 10 m [35 feet] tall
Spread - Up to 10 m [35 feet] tall
Life Cycle - Perennial
Category - Evergreen, Ornamental flowering tree, Shrub
Bark - Brown, ridged
Flowers - Small, Showy, Orange color, Clustered, bell-Shaped, 6 to 7 rounded petals, 2 inches
Foliage - Simple, Alternate, Oval shaped, Dark Green, 17.780 cm
Fruits - Green, White, Hard covering, Oval shaped, Fragrance, Edible
Flavour of Fruits - Poor
Good For - Landscape tree, Specimen, Container, Public Garden, Street tree, Parks, Roadsides
Flowering season - May, June, July, Summer, Spring, All Year round
Attracts - Butterflies, bees, birds
Light Requirement & Care- Full Sun, Part Shade, Well drained soil
Special Feature - Salt, Drought tolerant
Hindi - Bohari, Lal Lasora
Tamil - Aechinaruvihli
Telugu - Virigi
Kannada - Challekendala
Synonym - Sebesten sebestena
Growth Rate - Moderate
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