- Flowers by Name C >Crinum amabile
Crinum amabile

Order - Asparagales
Genus - Crinum
Subfamily - Amaryllidoideae
Origin / Native - South Africa, Tropical regions of Asia
Synonym - Crinum augustum
Life Cycle & Type- Herbaceous perennial bulb
Growth Rate- Medium
Height- 3 to 6 feet tall
Spread - Up to 5 feet wide
Flowers - Large, showy, Fragrant, Pink with red blossom, Clustered, 6 petals
Flowering Season - All Summer, Spring, Autumn
Leaves - Simple, Large, Linear, Leathery, Green, Rosette or spirally leaf arrangement, Glossy[mild], 91.440cm long
Good For - Containers, Patios, Lawn, Edges, Poolside, Ground cover, Borders
Light Reauirement & Care - Full Sun, Part shade, well drained soil, Average water
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Crinum amabile flower bulbs
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