- Flowers by Name G >Gazania rigens gazoo
Gazania rigens gazoo

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Asterales
Genus - Gazania
Species - rigens
Synonym - Gazania splendens
Found In - Coastal desert, road sides
Origin / Native - South Africa
Category - Herb
Growth rate - Low
White variety - Gazania rigens 'Gazoo Clear Vanilla'
Height - 15 cm to 1 feet 7 inches tall
Spread - 1.5 feet wide
Type/Life Cycle - Annual, Perennial
Flowering season - All summer, spring to winter [July to september]
Good For - Pots, patios, borders, ground cover, garden beds
Flowers - Large, showy, composite, red with brownish orange with black ring mixed, 15 petals, 3.54 to 5 inches inches wide daisy like blooms close at night
Foliage&Plant - Grayish green, oval-shaped, long and narrow
Attracts - Bees, butterflies
Light Requirement & Care - Full sun, well drained soils, average water, low maintenance
Uses - Ornamental plant
Propagation - From seeds
Pests & Diseases - Grey mould occur in wet weather
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