- Flower Names > G
Flowers by Name : G
Flowers categorized by Letter g

Common Name: Garden rose yellow hybrid, Garden rose, Amber Flush, Amber queen rose
Botanical name: Rosa floribunda
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Origin / Native : Asia, Babylon, China
Height : Up to 5 feet tall
Type : Ornamental plant
Flowers : Golden yellow, large, 5 inches wide
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Green spider chrysanthemum
Flowers: Large, showy, lime-green blooms, fragrant, long-lasting,5.4 inches wide
Scientific Name: Chrysanthemum "Anastasia Dark Green"
Good for: Cut flowers
Origin / Native: Eastern Asia
Type/Category: Herbaceous perennial
Light requirement & care: Sunny , fertile, well-drained soils

Scientific Name: Gaillardia aristata
Common Name: Blanketflower, common gaillardia
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South America
Life Cycle :Perennial herb
Height : 2.3 feet tall
Location : Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore, India
Best for : Pots, containers, borders
Light requirement : Sunny, open

Common Name: Gloriosa daisy, Black eyed susan lalbagh 2017
Scientific name:Rudbeckia hirta
Family :Asteraceae
Order :Asterales
Origin/Native : Eastern and Central North America
Height : 3 feet
Type/ Category : Annual, biennial / perennial
Good for : Pots,patios, garden beds,borders, containers,& cut flowers

Name: Giant red crested cockscomb, Wool Flowers, Brain Celosia
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Light requirement & care :Sunny,part shade, drought tolerant, well drained soils
Hazardous : Plants are poisionous
Flowers : Red, large, 7 inches wide, long-lasting, showy, attractive rooster's comb
Good for : Cut flowers
Propagation : By seeds

Binomial Name: Guzmania lingulata
Common Name: Scarlet star, Droophead tufted airplant
Family: Bromeliaceae
Order: Poales
Genus: Guzmania
Origin / Native : Central & South America, Mexico
Category: Evergreen epiphytic perennial
Foliage: Star-shaped basal rosette with orange, yellow, maroon, pink blooms

Common Name: Geranium nano pink
Family: Geraniaceae
Flowering season: Early summer-Autumn
Attracts: Butterflies, bees
Foliage: Dark green, compact, 12 inches tall
Light Requirement : Sunny, open, moist, well drained soils, heat tolerant, Pest & Disease Resistant
Flowers : Rose pink, small, free flowering, repeatedly blooming, clustered
Suitable for : Garden Beds, Hanging Baskets, , Containers, Outdoor, indoor

Common Name: Green button chrysanthemum lalbagh august 2016, Chrysanthemum Green Button Pompon
Family: Asteraceae
Order: :Asterales
Flowering season: All year round
Flowers : Green, showy, clustered, long-lasting blooms
Foliage: Deepgreen, healthy, compact
Good for: Borders, Pots, garden beds, cut flowers, Bouquet, Floral arrangement

Common Name: Golden yellow zinnia
Family: Asteraceae
Light requirement & care :Sunny, well drained soils, water daily
Height : 10 to12 inches
Flowers : Orange, small, long-lasting, showy, flowering season summer
Best for : Cut flowers
Good for : Borders, garden beds
Propagation : Seeds
Genus : Zinnia

Common Name: Golden Everlasting
Botanical name: Xerochrysum bracteatum
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Australia
Flowering Season :Summer to Winter
Type: Herbaceous perennial
Flowers: Yellow, 3 inches wide
Best for: Pots, containers, borders
Location: Ooty botanical garden, India

Common Name: Garden geranium, zonal geranium, Malva
Botanical name: Pelargonium × hortorum
Family: Geraniaceae
Order: Geraniales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type :Annual, biennial, perennial plants
Used as : Ornamental plant
Flowers: Red, small, clustered, hairy bracts
Best for : Pots, containers, borders
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Guy savoy rose
Botanical name: Rosa 'Guy savoy'
First Prize: HAL - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Family: Rosaceae
Order : Rosales
Best for :Pots, containers, edges
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Height: Up to 7 feet tall
Flowers: Deeppink with pink striped blooms, 6.5 inches wide, large

Common Name: Garden sage
Botanical name: Salvia officinalis
Family: Lamiaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Mediterranean region, Mexico, Africa
Uses :Oil, Herbal, Ornamental
Type & Category : Evergreen perennial subshrub
Flowers: MediumSlateBlue, small clustered spikes
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Elepe, Garden balsam, rose balsam, garden jewelweed
Botanical name: Impatiens balsamina
Family: Balsaminaceae
Order: Ericales
Origin / Native : India, Burma, South Asia
Height :2 feet 3 inch
Type : Annual plant
Flowers: Red, velvety petals, small
Height : 2.5 feet
Best for : Pots, borders, containers

Common Name: Geranium ringo scarlet star
Family: Geraniaceae
Flowering season: Early summer-Autumn
Attracts: Butterflies, bees
Foliage: Dark green, compact, 12 inches tall
Light Requirement : Sunny, open, moist, well drained soils, heat tolerant, Pest & Disease Resistant
Flowers : Rosy pink & white, small, free flowering, repeatedly blooming, clustered
Suitable for : Garden Beds, Hanging Baskets, , Containers, Outdoor, indoor

Common Name: Giant mexican sunflower, tree marigold
Botanical name: Tithonia diversifolia
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Central America, Mexico
Type :Annual, perennial
Height : Up to 9 feet 10 inch tall
Flowers: Yellow, toothed petals, large
Location: Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, India

Common Name: Golden star grass, Hypoxis, star lily
Botanical name: Hypoxis aurea
Family: Hypoxidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : Asia, Himalayas, Bhutan, Africa
Type :Perennial herbs
Used In : African traditional medicine
Flowers : Yellow, small, 6 petals
Location : Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Coastal Globe Amaranth, Prostrate Globe Amaranth
Botanical name: Gomphrena serrata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Argentina, America, India
Genus :Gomphrena
Type : Perennial or annual herb
Synonym : Gomphrena celosioides
Grows in: lawns, grasslands, grassy roadside, rice fields

Common Name: Guinea henweed, anamu, Mucura
Botanical name: Petiveria alliacea
Family: Phytolaccaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : America, Florida, Texas
Type :Up to 6 feet tall
Height : Up to 100.58 cm tall
Flowers: White, tiny, 4 petals
Location : Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnataka

Common Name: Garden rose, hybrid rose, Damask rose, Rose of Castile, English Rose
Botanical name: Rosa Benjamin Britten
Family: Rosaceae
Height: Up to 8 feet tall
Origin / Native : Europe, America
Light Requirement :Warm weather
Type : Ornamental plant, Medium Shrub
Flowers: Deeppink, medium, strong fragrance
Location: Kundadam, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Genda, African marigold
Botanical name: Tagetes patula
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Mexico, America, Africa
Height :2 to 4 feet tall
Type : Herbaceous annual and perennial plant
Genus: Tagetes
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Best for: Pots, containers, borders

Common Name: Snow flower, false baby's breath, hedge bedstraw
Botanical name: Galium asperifolium
Family: Rubiaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Europe, India, Pakistan
Synonym :Galium mollugo
Type : Branched perennial herb, annual plant
Foliage: Evergreen
Flowers: White, tiny, clustered
Genus : Galium

Common Name: Grace apricot rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Pink, large, showy, 4.5 inches wide blooms fragrant
Foliage :Reddish green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Grafin diana rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Black, maroon, large, showy, 5 inches wide blooms, fragrant
Foliage :Reddish green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Bachelor Button, Purple Globe Amaranth
Botanical name: Gomphrena globosa
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Guatemala, Brazil, Panama
Type & Height :Annual plant, 24 inches tall
Best for : Borders, pots, containers, garden beds
Flowering colors: White, magenta, red, white, beige, yellow, pink

Common Name: Garden phlox purple
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
Family: Polemoniaceae
Order: Ericales
Origin / Native : North America, Siberia
Height :Up to 45.720cm
Type : Annual, Perennial plants
Foliage: Evergreen
Flowers: Purple, Dark violet, small, clustered
Best for : Borders, pots, garden beds

Common Name: Golden trumpet, Common allamanda, Yellow Allamanda
Botanical name: Allamanda cathartica
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : South America, Brazil
Genus :Allamanda
Type/ Life Cycle & Growth Habit : Evergreen Perennial plant, shrub, vine
Foliage: Deep green
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Garden nasturtium, monks cress
Botanical name: Tropaeolum majus
Family: Tropaeolaceae
Order: Brassicales
Origin / Native : Bolivia, Colombia, Andes,South America
Genus :Tropaeolum
Type/ Life Cycle : Herbaceous annual plant
Uses : Ornamental and medicinal plant
Light Requirement: Full Sun, partial shade

Common Name: Gazania white, Gazania gazoo clear vanilla, trailing gazania
Botanical name: Gazania linearis
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Height :Up to 1 feet tall
Type : Half-hardy annual summer plant
Best for: Pots, containers
Flowers: Honey Dew, White with black
Location : Kodaikanal, India

Common Name: Flame lily, glory lily, fire lily, tiger claw
Botanical name: Gloriosa superba
Family: Colchicaceae
Order: Liliales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa
Genus :Gloriosa
Characteristic : Poisonous
Tamil: Kaandhal, Kanvali poo
Hindi : Kalihari, Bachnag, Kadyanag
Location : Kundadam, Tirupur, India
Flowers & Plants by Categories