- Flowers by Name P > Peltophorum pterocarpum
Peltophorum pterocarpum

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Fabales
Genus - Peltophorum
Species - pterocarpum
Synonym - Peltophorum dubium, Caesalpinia dubia
Origin / Native - Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Southeast Asia
Category - Deciduous, Ornamental tree
Height - Up to 85 feet tall
Spread - Up to 50 feet wide
Hindi - Peela gulmohar
Bangla[kolkata] - Radhachura
Tamil - Perunkonrai
Flowers - Very showy, large, yellow, clustered in spikes, fragrance, 5 petals, 10 orange stamens, 1 green stigma
Foliage - Dark green, feathery, bipinnate-[pinnate, compound], alternatively arranged leaves, oblong Leaflets
Fruits & Seeds - Red, black, brown
Growth Rate - Fast
Flowering Season - April to september
Good For - Parks, shade trees, roadsides, street, specimen
Light Requirement - Full sun, well drained soil
Propagation - Seeds, cuttings
Uses - Ornamental tree
Attracts - Bees, butterflies, birds
Peltophorum pterocarpum flowers
Yellow poinciana tree, Foliage
Yellow poinciana with bees
Bees feeding on peltophorum pterocarpum
Yellow poinciana flower spikes-Full bloom, Petals, Stamen, Stigma
Yellow poinciana flower buds
Yellow poinciana-Single flower spike
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