- Flower Names > P
Flowers by Name : P
Flowers categorized by Letter p

Common Name: Perfumed Passionflower, Crimson Passionflower, Passionvine
Botanical name: Passiflora vitifolia
Family : Passifloraceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Central & South America
Flowers : Red, showy
Cateogry : Climbing vine
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india

Common Name: Jacob's Ladder, Slipper Flower
Botanical name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides red
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Height: Up to 96 inches tall
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Species : tithymaloides
Genus : Euphorbia
Flowers: Red, tiny bird like blooms, clustered like chorus birds
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Purple orchid tree
Botanical name: Bauhinia purpurea
Family: Leguminosae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Burma, Thailand, Philippines
Height :Up to 30 feet tall
Growth Rate : Fast
Flowers : Magenta, medium violet red, dark magenta, purple, with white veined, large, showy
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Purple passionflower, maypop, wild apricot, wild passion vine
Botanical name: Passiflora incarnata
Family: Passifloraceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : America
Type :Perennial climbing vine
Height : Up to 17 feet tall
Flowers : Purple with bicolour
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Pride of burma, Orchid Tree, Lady Amherst's Pheasant
Botanical name: Amherstia nobilis
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Burma [Myanmar]
Flowers :Red, showy
Height: Up to 35 feet tall
Category: Rare tropical flowering tree
Best for: Public garden, avenues
Genus : Amherstia

Common Name: Pride of india flower
Botanical name: Lagerstroemia speciosa
Family: Lythraceae
Order: Myrtales
Origin / Native : Tropical South Asia
Genus :Lagerstroemia
Category : Shrub, large tree
Best for: Public garden, avenues, road sides
Flowers: Pink, deep pink, magenta, clustered, showy spikes resembles pink shower
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Pink morning glory, Bush morning glory
Botanical name: Ipomoea carnea
Family: Convolvulaceae
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : Tropicals of South America
Height :Up to 16 feet tall
Category : Tree like Shrub
Hindi : Behaya
Synonym : Synonym
Flowers : Pink with Purple centric, Funnel-shaped, Clustered or single

Common Name: Purple crossandra
Botanical name: Ecbolium ligustrinum
Family: Acanthaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Sri Lanka, India, Malaya
Height :Up to 3 feet tall
Flowers : Rosy brown, amethyst, medium purple
Hindi : Purple Aboli, priyadarsha
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Petunia ultra rose star
Botanical name: Petunia Hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Synonym : Petunia Multiflora, Petunia grandiflora
Special Feature :Salt & Weather tolerance
Flowers : Deep pink with white star, large, showy, velvety, wavy blooms
Best for: Pots, borders, hanging baskets, contianers, garden beds
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Ashoka, Asopalav Tree, False Ashoka, Buddha Tree
Botanical name: Polyalthia longifolia
Family: Annonaceae
Order: Magnoliales
Origin / Native : India, Sri Lanka
Category :Large Evergreen Tree
Genus : Polyalthia
Flowers: Green, star shaped, clustered, glossy 5 petals
Location : Cubbon park, bangalore, india
Height : Up to 40 feet tall

Common Name: Papaya, pawpaw, Papaya flower
Botanical name: Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae
Order: Brassicales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Brazil, Tropical America
Uses :Medicinal, tamil cuisines
Type : Female flower
Flowers : Beige, pale golden rod, fragrance, hanging downwards
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name: Purple anthurium
Botanical name: Anthurium andraeanum
Family: Araceae
Order: Alismatales
Origin / Native : Central and South America
Found In :Tropical rain forests
Height :Up to 15 inches
Flowers: Purple, glossy, small
Uses: Cut flowers, best for pots
Location : Ooty botanical garden, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india

Common Name: Parasol flower, Mandarins hat
Botanical name: Holmskioldia sanguinea
Family: Lamiaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Tropical Asia, Himalayan lowlands
Category :Erect shrub, Climber
Uses : Ornamental
Flowers: Red, clustered spikes, showy
Best for: Edges, borders, hedges
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Carpet Blue Lace Petunia
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Spread: 12 inches wide
Height :12 inches tall
Flowering Season : Spring, Summer, Late Summer
Flowers : Blue purple with lavender, medium slate blue, large
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Pots, borders, hanging basket

Common Name: Petunia frost fire
Botanical name:Petunia multiflora
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : North & South America
Type / Life cycle :Perennials, half hardy annuals
Flowers : Deep pink, medium violet red with white bicolour, showy, colourful, funnel shaped
Synonym : Petunia grandiflora, Petunia Hybrida
Flowering season : Summer to autumn

Common Name: Petunia celebrity raspberry ice
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Height & spread: 9-12 inches, 12 inches
Synonym :Petunia multiflora
Used for : Bedding, borders, conatiner
Flowers : Pink with magenta or deep pink
Light requirement: Full Sun, Moist, well drained soil

Common Name: Vilayati babul, Bayahonda blanca
Botanical name: Prosopis juliflora
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Venezuela, Mexico, South America
Height:Up to 35 feet tall
Category : Small tree, shrub
Location : Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, India
Uses : Fruits-food source for goats & cattle but fruits & plants hazardous for humans

Common Name: Ceylon Swamp Mallow, Pavonia, Fragrant Pavonia
Botanical name: Pavonia Zeylanica
Family: Malvaceae
Order: Malvales
Found In : Tropical Africa, India, Sri lanka, Pakistan
Synonym :Pavonia odorata
Type & Category : Perennial herb
Ayurveda : Vaalaka
Tamil : Sittramutti, Sithamutti
Telugu : Peramutti

Common Name: Pink sleeping hibiscus
Botanical name: Malvaviscus arboreus
Family: Malvaceae [mallow family]
Order: Malvales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Central & South America
Synonym :Malvaviscus penduliflorus
Type & Category : Evergreen Perennial Shrub
Genus : Malvaviscus
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka
Height : 15 feet

Common Name: Mukuku, Yellow Pavonia
Botanical name: Pavonia Procumbens
Family: Malvaceae
Order: Malvales
Found In & Distribution : India, Pakistan & South Asia, Tropical Africa
Category :Climbing vine
Flowering Season : March to Sep
Type & Category: Lalbagh botanical garden, karnataka, india
Flowers: Yellow, small, 5 velvety petals

Common Name: Cimora misha, Jewbush
Botanical name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Hindi: Vilayti Sher
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Uses :Philippine Herbal Medicine
Category : Succulent spurge, Shrub
Uses:Cut flowers
Location: Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Synonym :Euphorbia tithymaloides

Common Name: Cascading geranium
Botanical name: Pelargonium peltatum
Family: Geraniaceae
Order: Geraniales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Category & Uses :Evergreen Shrub, Ornamental plant
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Best for : Pots, borders, contianers
Flowers: Crimson red, small, clustered

Common Name: Purple Flower, Mexican heather
Botanical name: Cuphea hyssopifolia
Order : Myrtales
Origin / Native : Guatemala, Mexico
Synonym :Parsonia petiolata
Category : Evergreen small shrub
Location : Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, South India
Camera : Nikon D40X
Best for : Pots, containers

Common Name: Petunia celebrity strawberry ice
Botanical name: Petunia grandiflora
Order : Solanales
Height : 27.940cm
Light requirement & care :Sunny, open, & warm, fertile & free draining soil
Spread : 12 inches
Propagation : Sow seeds in green house or propagator, discard after blooming

Common Name: Perennial phlox, beige color phlox
Botanical name: Phlox divaricata
Height : Up to 24 inches tall
Origin / Native : North America
Life Cycle :Perennial
Good For : Summer garden, Cut flowers, Borders
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Flowers : Beige, corn silk, lemon chiffron, clustered

Common Name: Carrot grass, Bitterweed, Parthenium weed
Botanical name: Parthenium hysterophorus
Order : Asterales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Tropical America
Type :Annual, Perennial herb
Hazardous :Poisonous leaves and flower
Genus : Parthenium
Camera : Nikon D40X
Height : Up to 6 feet tall

Common Name: Pergularia, Trellis vine
Botanical name: Pergularia daemia
Order : Gentianales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa, Europe
Type & Category :Perennial climbing vine
Uses : Medicinal
Synonym : Daemia extensa
Grow in : Woodland, roadside, Riverbank
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name: Purple Wreath, Sandpaper Vine, Queen's Wreath, Bluebird Vine
Botanical name: Petrea volubilis
Order : Lamiales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Central America
Height :Up to 30 feet tall
Flowering Month : Feb to March
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Camera : Nikon D40X
Best for : Parks, avenues, roadsides

Common Name: Petunia star flower
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Life Cycle : Annual
Origin / Native : Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, South America
Light Requirement & Care :Full Sun, Well drained soil
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Pots, borders, hanging basket
Flowers : Red with white, bicolour, showy

Common Name: Petunia ultra star flower
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Order : Solanales
Origin / Native : South America
Good For :Hanging baskets & Containers
Type : Annual or perennial
Fowers : Deep pink, magenta, fuchsia with white, showy, funnel shped
Pests & diseases : Aphids attack immature shoots, Virus distort growth

Common Name: Petunia, surfinia petunia
Botanical name: Petunia violacea
Order : Solanales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Height :Up to 12 inches
Synonym : Petunia integrifolia
Propagation : Sow seeds in greenhouse or propagator-temp[60 F] in march
Pests & Diseases : Aphids & virus

Common Name: Garden phlox, Maroon color phlox
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
Type : Perennial Herb
Origin / Native : America
Genus :Phlox
Good for : Borders, pots, contianers, garden beds
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Flowers : Dark red, dark magenta with white eyed, clustered

Common Name: Mousetail plant, Myrtle-leaved Leaf Flower
Botanical name: Phyllanthus myrtifolius
Order : Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, Australia
Height :Up to 10 feet tall
Uses : Ornamental, Bonsai
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Category : Small Tree or Large shrub

Common Name: Longstalked phyllanthus, Phyllanthus
Botanical name: Phyllanthus tenellus
Height : Up to 36 inches tall
Origin / Native : Brazil
Type :Annual or perennial
Category : Herb
Genus : Phyllanthus
Location : Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, India
Grows in : Fields, grasslands, roadsides

Common Name: Pink bougainvillea
Botanical name: Bougainvillea spectabilis
Order : Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Brazil, South America
Height :Up to 35 feet tall
Uses : Ornamental, Bonsai
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Flowers : Pink, violet, medium slate blue, lavender, clustered, no fragrance
Foliage : Deep green

Common Name: Pink dianthus, cheddar pinks
Botanical name: Dianthus chinensis
Best for: Pots, borders, garden beds
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Type :Perennial
Flowering Season : Spring, summer, Autumn
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Camera : Nikon D40X
Flowers : Magenta pink, fuchsia, showy

Common Name: Pink garden phlox, Dwarf garden phlox
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
Light requirement & care: Light shade or full sun, rich, moisture soils
Origin / Native : North america, United states
Type :Perennial
Height : 2 to 4 feet
Foliage : Mid green, lance-shaped leaves
Flowers : Pink, fragrance
Grown as: Alpines, borders, container plants

Common Name: Pink geranium, Cranesbill
Botanical name: Pelargonium graveolens
Order : Geraniales
Origin / Native : South Africa, Madagascar
Type :Annual, biennial, perennial
Light requirement & care : Open, sunny, fertile, moderate, rich soils
Propagation : Seeds, softwood cuttings
Pests : Caterpillars eat leaves & flower buds
Diseases : Black leg affect leaves & the bases of unrooted cuttings

Common Name: Pink orchid crown of thorns, Milkweed
Botanical name: Euphorbia milii var splendens
Class : Magnoliopsida
Origin / Native : Madagascar
Height :Up to 5 feet
Type : Succulent flowering shrub
Location : lalbagh, bangalore, india
Camera : Nikon D40X
Flowers : Bright pink & red, clustered, showy

Common Name: Pink petunia
Botanical name: Petunia Multiflora
Origin / Native : South & North America
Type : Perennials or half hardy annuals
Flowers :Pink with white throat, colourful
Used for : Bedding, container plants
Care & cultivation : Ope, full sun & warm, fertile & free draining soils, feed potassium compound occasionally

Common Name: Purple picotee dianthus
Botanical name: Dianthus x barbatus
Care & cultivation: Sunny, open, good, free draining, alkaline soils, remove old flower-heads, trim unruly plants in late summer
Type : Perennials or biennial
Height :12 inches to 2 feet
Spread : 17 inches wide
Foliage : Bright green, erect stems, lance-shaped leaves
Good for : Rock garden, borders

Common Name: Pink with white snapdragon
Botanical name: Antirrhinum majus
Type : Annuals & Perennials
Origin / Native : Europe
Care :Full sun, well-drained with compost added solis
Propagation : Seeds
Pests & Diseases: Aphids affect innature plants. Grey mould, mildew, damping-off may oocur

Common Name: Pitseed goosefoot, Lamb's quarters, Stinkweed
Botanical name: Chenopodium berlandieri
Order : Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Alaska, Canada
Growth Rate :Fast
Type : Erect Annual herb
Location : Kundadam, Tamilnadu, South India
Camera : Nikon D40X
Grows in : Streams, roadsides

Common Name: Pink and white dianthus
Botanical name: Dianthus deltoides
Best For:Cut flower, ground cover, Home garden, Edges/borders
Light Requirement & care: Full Sun, open, good, free draining, alkaline soils
Propagation : Seeds
Origin / Native:Europe, Britain
Type : Perennial
Height : 9 inches
Foliage : Short green leaves, prostrate stems, making dense carpet

Common Name: Pink Trumpet Vine, Port St Johns Creeper
Botanical name: Podranea brycei
Height : Up to 25 feet
Origin / Native : South Africa
Synonym :Tecoma brycei
Habit : Climbing Vine
Location : Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnataka
Flowers : Pink & magenta, clustered, funnel-shaped

Common Name: Sun rose, sun plant, rose moss, Portulaca
Botanical name: Portulaca grandiflora bicolor
Order : Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Argentina
Height :Up to 20 cm
Type : Annual
Flowers : Magenta with white bicolour, velvety
Good for : Borders, pots
Foliage : Leaves are fleshy, & the flowers borne at the end of the stems

Common Name: Bayahonda blanca, Prosopis juliflora flower
Botanical name: Prosopis juliflora
Tamil : Velikathan tree
Origin / Native : Mexico, South America
Life cycle :Perennial
Type : Large Shrub Or Small Tree
Hazardous : Flowers, fruits, leaves are poisonous to humans
Flowers : Greenish yellow, fragrance, hanging downwards, thorny deep green tree

Common Name: Purple petunia, Picotee Petunia
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Best For : Hanging baskets, Borders
Origin / Native : South America
Flowers :Purple, Medium violet ted, dark magenta with red bicolour, colourful
Site : Full sun, open, warm
Soil : Fertile, free draining
Propagation : Seeds
Location : Bangalore, Karnataka, South India

Common Name: Purple salvia splendens, Scarlet Sage
Botanical name: Salvia splendens
Genus : Salvia
Type : Annuals, biennials, perennials
Good for :Mixed borders, bedding plants
Care : Full sun, open & warm
Soil : Moderately rich & free draining
Propagation : Seeds
Flowers : Purple, medium violet red, dark magenta, colourful

Common Name: Purple snapdragon, Purple dragon flowers
Botanical name: Antirrhinum majus
Category & Care : Sub shrub, Full Sun
Origin / Native : Morocco, Africa, Europe
Type :Annual plant
Height : Dwarf to 3 feet
Best for : Borders
Light requirement : Full sun
Soil : Well drained, preferably compost added

Common Name: Pergularia flower
Botanical name: Pergularia daemia
Synonym :Pergularia extensa
Order : Gentianales
Origin / Native : India,Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan
Uses :Ayurveda, Medicinal
Flowering Season : Jun to Nov
Flowers : Green with brown, clustered, hairy
Camera : Nikon D40X
Foliage : Grayish green, hairy

Common Name: Pink zinnia
Botanical name: Zinnia × hybrida
Good For : Cut flower, Summer Garden, Borders, bedding garden
Origin / Native : Arizona, New Mexico, Utah
Type :Annuals, herbaceous perennial plants
Flowers : Pink, showy, daisy like blooms
Care : Full sun, sheltered, free draining, fertile soils, sow seeds in green house or propagator
Pests & diseases : Viruses distort growth, grey mould occurs in cool, damp summers

Common Name: Pentas lanceolata white
Botanical name: Pentas lanceolata
Flowering Season:Summer, Spring, Autumn
Origin / Native : Africa
Water & Light : Full Sun, Average Water
Type :Annual, Tropical perennial
Flowers : White, showy, small, clustered
Height : 3 feet tall
Camera : Nikon D40X
Good for : Butterfly garden, borders

Common Name: Pot marigold
Botanical name: Calendula officinalis
Care & Attracts : Moderate Soil, Full Sun, Attracts Bees, Butterflies
Origin / Native : Europe
Synonym :Calendula hydruntina
Type : Hardy annual herb
Flowers : Yellow, showy, best for borders
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Purple pentas
Botanical name: Pentas carnea
Family:Rubiaceae [madder family]
Growth Rate : Fast
Origin / Native : Yemen, Africa
Good For :Borders, Summer butterfly garden
Type : Annual
Flowers : Purple, slate blue, clustered
Location : Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, karnatka, india

Common Name: Pelargonium, Bedding Geranium
Botanical name: Pelargonium × hortorum
Order : Geraniales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type :Annual
Uses & Good For : Ornamental, Summer Garden, borders, pots
Flowers : Pink, white, clustered, colourful
Location : Kodaikanal, tamilnadu, india

Common Name: Pelargonium Hybrid
Botanical name: Pelargonium Zonale
Type & Category : Perennial & subshrub
Origin / Native : South Africa
Flowers :Pink, Showy, Hybrid, Multi Petals
Genus : Pelargonium
Flowers: Pink, double, showy, large
Good for : Summer bedding garden, hanging baskets
Light requirement : Sunny, open

Common Name: Petunia blue violet
Botanical name: Petunia multiflora hybrid
Flowers : Ultra Violet blue, Large, showy
Origin / Native : South America
Light requirement & care :Sunny, warm & open
Best for : Borders, garden beds, hanging baskets
Soil : Fertile & free draining
Pests & diseases : Aphids-attack immature shoots, virus disease-stunt & distort growth

Common Name: Poppy red, corn poppy
Botanical name: Papaver rhoeas
Height : Up to 46 inches tall
Origin / Native : Europe
Category :Annual, Perennial, biennial
Suitable for : Rock garden, herbaceous border
Foliage : Pale green, deeply lobed leaves
Flowers : Red, showy, colourful, short lived blooms

Common Name: Perennial salvia
Family : Lamiaceae
Light & Care:Full Sun, Medium or Well drained Soil
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, South India
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Height :Up to 3 feet
Type & Category : Perennial & shrub, Herb
Flowers : Medium slate blue, small, clustered spikes

Common Name: Mini Rose, Paneer rose
Botanical name: Rosa Pisocarpa
Origin / Native : Asia, America
Type : Erect shrub
Flowers :Showy, Red, Small Petals, Fragrant
Light requirement & care: Open, sunny, well drained, moisture-retentive loam soil
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, South India
Foliage : Evergreen

Common Name:Pink egyptian Starcluster
Botanical name: Pentas lanceolata
Origin / Native : Africa
Attracts : Butterflies
Type :Evergreen perennial shrub
Flowers : Pink, hot pink, showy, clustered
Best for : Contianers, borders, garden beds
Location : Chennai Flowershow, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Pentas Lanceolata Pink
Botanical name: Pentas graffiti
Tolerance & Flowers : Heat & Small, pink with red throat, Star Shaped, clustered
Origin / Native : Mexico
Type :Tender Perennial, Annual
Category : Subshrub
Flowers : Pink with red, clustered, showy
Best for : Borders, garden beds, butterfly garden

Common Name: Petunia Purple
Botanical name: Petunia × atkinsiana
Flowers : Ultra purple, Large, Wavy, 4 inch
Origin / Native : Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil
Type :Annual herb
Good For : Hanging baskets, borders, pots
Flowers : Purple, dark magenta, wavy, showy, colourful
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Moss rose Purslane
Botanical name: Portulaca Grandiflora
Order : Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Argentina, South America
Flowers :Pink with yellow, Medium violet red, magenta, fuchsia, Showy, Small, 5 velvety, petals
Good For : Containers, pots, borders, carpet garden

Common Name: Blue plumbago, leadwort, plumbago, cape plumbago, sky flower
Botanical name: Plumbago auriculata
Order : Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Plant type :Evergreen shrub
Height&Spread : Up to10 feet & 6 ft
Flowers : Blue, light sky blue, showy, clustered
Good for : Hedges

Common Name: Phlox
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
Order : Combretaceae
Origin / Native : Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, Guatemala
Good For :Summer Garden, Perennial gardens, Borders
Type : Perennial and annual
Flowers : Daark magenta, medium violet red, purple, showy, clustered
Good for : Borders, garden beds

Common Name: Portulaca Grandiflora Purple, Purple Moss Rose double
Botanical name: Portulaca grandiflora
Best For : Pots, containers, borders
Origin / Native : Argentina, Uruguay, South America
Light & Care :Full Sun, Well Drained Soil
Foliage : Simple, evergreen, fleshy
Special feature : Drought tolerance
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Moss rose red
Botanical name: Portulaca grandiflora red
Flowers : Small, Red with yellow, Showy
Origin / Native : South America
Type :Annual
Category : Succulent Shrub
Foliage : Simple, fleshy
Propagation : Seeds, stem cuttings
Best for: Pots, contianers, borders, hanging baskets

Common Name: Pansy purple cultivar, Viola lutea
Botanical name: Viola tricolor subsp. hortensis
Order : Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Europe
Good for :Mixed borders, pots, garden beds
Flowers : Blur purple, violet, black, yellow, showy, small, colourful
Foliage : Evergreen
Location : Chennai Flower show, TN, India

Common Name: Petunia pink purple, Blue Morn
Botanical name: Petunia violacea
Special feature:Summer Flower, heat tolerant
Spread : Up to 76 cm wide
Origin / Native : Argentina, Ecuador, South America
Height :Up to 30 cm tall
Good For : Borders, pots, hanging baskets, bedding garden
Flowers : Purple, medium violet red, dark magenta, colourful, showy

Common Name: Petunia red violet
Botanical name: Petunia multiflora
Flowes : Red violet, Deep pink, colourful, Large, Wavy
Light Requirement : Full Sun
Attracts : Butterflies, Humming birds
Flowering Season :All Year
Type : Perennial, Summer annual
Height : 9-12 inches
Suitable for : Mixed borders, garden beds, borders, hanging baskets
Flowers & Plants by Categories