- Flowers by Name P > Peruvian lily
Peruvian lily

A race of colorful lily-like perennials, natives of tropical and subtropical South America of which a number of species are hardy in Britain. Although sun lovers, the more robust species grow well under semi-shaded conditions.
A. aurantiaca has given rise to a number of improved garden forms all producing bright orange flowers borne on two to three feet stems.
A. lutea is a robust species with yellow flowers, and A.chilensis varies from pale pink to bright red.
A. puctulla [syn.psittacina] has tubular flowers of red margined green.
A. ligtu var. angustifolia and its hybrids produce large heads of flowers from cream to rich peach, apricot, salmon and rose.
A. haemantha has smaller flowers of deep red.
Alstromerias are easily grown in a deep sandy soil and the roots should be planted six to nine inches below the surface. They require three years in which to become established. Plant in October or early spring.
Propagation is by root division in the case of the aurantiaca group, and by seed with the reminder.
The flowering season is in July.
Kingdom - Plantae
Division - Magnoliophyta
Class - Liliopsida
Order - Liliales
Genus - Alstroemeria
Type/Life Cycle - Herbaceous perennial
Height - Up to 3 feet [36 inches] tall
Spread - Up to 2 feet [24 inches] wide
Flowering Season - Late spring to early summer
Flowering colors - Yellow, red, purple, orange, pink, white, apricot, beige, lavender, bicolors
Flowers - Large, showy, yellow, clustered, no fragrance, patterned, 2 inches, 6 petals, fleshy red stems, long lasting in vase[1 or 2 weeks]
Foliage & Plant - Green, alternately arranged, lance shaped, grass like, twisted base, sharp edged leaves, tuberous rooted
Light Requirement & Care - Full Sun, part shade, moist, rich, well drained soil, water daily, low maintenance
Good For - Greenhouse, Large bouquets, cut flowers, pots, borders, house plants, flower arrangement, shows, home garden
Species of Alstroemeria - 50
Attracts - Bees, butterflies, birds
Special Feature - Frost tolerance
Peruvian lily-Bulbs & Flowers
Peruvian lily plant& foliage
Yellow peruvian lily-Close up view, Blooms, bulbs, clusters
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