- Flowers by Name R > Rhododendron arboreum
Rhododendron arboreum

Kingdom - Plantae
Class - Angiospermae
Order - Ericales
Genus - Rhododendron
Category - Evergreen shrub, Small, large tree
Origin/Native - Himalayas, India, China, Nepal
Height - Trees can grow up to 18m tall, shrub-8 feet tall
Spread - Shrub-up to 6 feet wide
Flowers - Large, showy, white,, 2 inches wide, bell-shaped, clustered, 5 petals, 7 stamens, 1 stigma
Foliage&Plant - Dark green, lanceolate, mild hairy
Flowering colors - Red, apricot, pink, crimson, white, cream, peach
Flowering Season - March to September
National flower of - Nepal
Nepal - laligurans
Tamil - Billi
Malayalam - Kattupoo varasu
Uses - Medicinal, Ayurveda, Cuisines
Best For - Borders, hedges, specimen, road sides, park, public garden
Light Requirement&Care - Well drained, moist soil, Full sun, semi shade
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