- Flower Names > R
Flowers by Name : R
Flowers categorized by Letter r

Common Name: Coral fountain
Botanical name: Russelia equisetiformis
Family : Plantaginaceae
Height: Up to 60 inches tall
Origin / Native : Mexico, Guatemala
Category : Deciduous Weeping shrub, subshrub
Genus : Russelia
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india
Flowers :Red, beige, white, funnel shaped small

Common Name: Fringeleaf wild petunia, wild petunia
Botanical name: Ruellia humilis
Family: Acanthaceae
Order: Lamiales
Type : Perennial
Category :Herb, Climbing shrub, Vine
Origin / Native : Eastern United States
Flowers : Purple with white throat, funnel shaped
Location : Kundadam, Tirupur, TN, India

Common Name: Rain lily
Botanical name: Zephyranthes citrina
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : America, Mexico
Uses :Ornamental
Type & Category : Perennial Plant
Foliage: Simple, narrow-leaved, grass like leaves
Flowers: Yellow, colourful, 6 petals
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Red euphorbia milii
Botanical name: Euphorbia milii var. hislopii
Family: Spurge family
Type: Annual
Origin / Native : Madagascar
Best For :Containers, Summer Garden
Category : Cactus Plant
Height : 3 feet
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers : Red, small, clustered, showy with thorny foliage

Common Name: Red dianthus
Botanical name: Dianthus barbatus
Family : Caryophyllaceae
Origin / Native: Europe, Africa, Asia
Height : 1.5 feet
Flowers :Red, colourful, fragrant, large
Type : Perennial
Plant & foliage: Bright green leaves, erect stems, lance-shaped leaves
Excellent for : Cutting & border
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Rungia
Botanical name: Rungia parviflora
Family: Acanthaceae
Flowers: Purple, tiny,single petal with hairy bracts
Foliage : Evergreen, hairy, Leaves are oval, simple
Category :Large Evergreen Tree
Uses & Order : Medicinal & Lamiales
Grow In: Dry Lands, Wild Areas
Type : Annual creeping plant, Herb

Common Name: Red okra flower
Closely Related To: Hibiscus
Family: Malvaceae [mallow family]
Uses: Cuisine, Medicinal
Origin / Native : Ethiopia, Africa
Height :Up to 2.4 Meters tall
Plant Info : Large, light yellow flower with red Stems, red fruits, heart shaped hairy leaf
Fruits & seeds: Edible, seeds are black
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name:Parasol flower, Mandarins hat
Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Family: Malvaceae
Order: Malvales
Attracts : bees, butterflies
Type :Herbaceous perennial
Uses : Medicinal, ayurvedic, flowers & leaves used for hair growth
Flowers: Red, 5 petals, showy
Best for: Edges, hedges
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Red nongmangkha
Botanical name: Phlogacanthus pubinervius
Family: Acanthaceae
Order: Scrophulariales
Class: Magnoliopsida
Genus :Phlogacanthus
Category : Evergreen shrub
Flowers : Chocolate orange, small, funnel shaped, clustered
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Pots, borders

Common Name: Rose allamanda
Botanical name: Strophanthus gratus
Family: Apocynaceae
Flowering Season & Flowers: Spring, Summer & Small, Fragrant, 5 petals, clustered
Flowering Color : Pink, Burgundy, greyish violet, Moderate purple
Type:Sprawling vine
Category : Small tree, shrub
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Foliage : Evergreen, glossy, simple

Common Name: Castor bean, mamona plant
Botanical name: Ricinus communis
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Ricinus
Origin / Native : Middle East, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Africa
Type & Category :Perennial shrub or small tree
Uses : Ornamental, Medicinal
Flowers: Beige, honey dew, clustered
Best for : Edges

Common Name: Red bougainvillea
Botanical name: Bougainvillea glabra
Family: Nyctaginaceae
Good for: Bonsai, fence, arch, hedges, contianers
Origin / Native : South America
Special Feature :Drought & heat tolerant
Category : Evergreen climbing Vine
Flowers : Red, magenta, fuchsia, deep pink, clustered, colourful, showy, no fragrance
Tamil : Paper flower

Common Name: Red chinese hat flower
Botanical name: Holmskioldia sanguinea
Height & Spread: Up to 72 inches tall & 60 inches wide
Flowering Season: Early Summer, Summer, Autumn
Origin / Native : Sub tropical & Lowlands of Himalayas
Category :Erect Climbing Shrub
Type & Category : Evergreen Perennial Shrub

Common Name: Red flag bush, Prophet's Tears
Botanical name: Mussaenda erythrophylla
Family: Rubiaceae
Grow well in: Full Sun, Part Shade
Origin / Native : Tropical& West Africa
Category :Evergreen scrambling shrub
Best For : Containers, Summer garden
Location: Lalbagh, karnataka, india
Flowers: Red, showy, colourful

Common Name: Red garden phlox, Phlox Miss Mary
Botanical & cultivar name: Phlox paniculata red riding hood
Flowers :Small, 1 ½ inch, Red with white throat
Grow well in: Moist, well drained soil, full sun
Origin / Native :North America
Good For:Summer garden, Borders
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Rosoideae, Austin Rose
Cultivar name: Rose benjamin britten
Category : Climbing Shrub
Height: Up to 8 feet tall
Flowering Season : All Year
Flowers :Deep pink, medium violet red, magenta, strong fragrant
Uses : Cuisines, Medicinal, cut flowers
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, climber
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Red phlox paniculata
Cultivar: Phlox paniculata red riding hood
Flowering Season: Early Summer, Early Fall
Water Requirement: Average Water
Origin / Native : New York, Germany, England
Height :Up to 24 inches
Type & Category : Herbaceous perennial
Flowers:Crimson red with maroon eye, clustered, showy
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Red salvia
Family : Lamiaceae
Height: 24 inches to 48 inches tall
Type & Category: Evergreen perennial shrub
Origin / Native : Brazil
Good For :Summer garden, Container, Borders
Flowers:Red, showy, colourful, tall spikes of long-lasting blooms
Foliage: Mid green, lanceolate leaves, branching stems

Common Name: Red with yellow snapdragon
Family : Plantaginaceae
Genus: Antirrhinum
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : North Africa, Europe
Light Requirement & Care : Well drained soil, Full Sun, Partial Shade, Water Regularly
Best For: Summer Garden, Borders
Flowering colors : Deep pink, medium violet red, dark magenta
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Rouge plant, Baby peppers
Botanical name: Rivina humilis
Order : Caryophyllales
Found in : Central & South America, Caribbean islands
Type & Category :Evergreen perennial herb, Shrub, Vine
Flower, Seeds : White, Red
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, karnataka, South India

Common Name: Rivina humilis flower
Synonym: Rivina laevis
Family:Phytolaccaceae [Pokeweed family]
Grow In : Roadsides, forests
Origin / Native : America
Uses : Ornamental, House Plant, Medicinal
Genus : Rivina
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Flowers : White, small spikes of tiny blooms

Common Name: Panama rose, Rondeletia
Botanical name: Rondeletia odorata
Family:Rubiaceae [coffee family]
Order : Gentianales
Origin / Native : Panama, Cuba
Category :Large shrub, small tree
Genus : Rondeletia
Flowers : Orange, salmon with yellow bicolour, small, clustered, showy
Foliage : Deep green
Best for : Hedges

Common Name: Wild Petunia, Black weed, Bell Weed
Botanical name: Ruellia prostrata
Order : Lamiales
Origin / Native : Madagascar
Genus :Ruellia
Synonym :Ruellia rivularis
Flowering Season : June to Sep
Camera : Nikon D40X
Flowers : Medium purple, medium slate blue, funnel shaped, showy

Common Name: Rose
Botanical name: Rosa damascena
Order : Rosales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa, Europe, America
Flowers :Fragrant, magenta pink, Showy, Large, Single or Clustered
Uses : Ornamental, Medicinal
Camera : Nikon D40X
Light requirement : Sunny, part shade
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name: Rose deep cerise
Botanical name: Rosa Violet Carson
Order : Rosales
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe, North Africa
Flowers :Large, Fragrant, Used in Cuisine & Drink
Category : Shrub
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Height : 4 feet
Flowers : Hot pink, Pale violet red, large, mild fragrance

Common Name: Rose apricot yellow
Cultivar name: Duquesa de penaranda rose
Order :Rosales
Category : Hybrid Tea Rose
Uses :Ornamental, Cut Flowers
Height : 5 feet
Flowers : Apricot yellow, salmon, light coral, coral, tomato, bicolour, large, fragrance
Location : Lalbagh rose garden, bangalore

Common Name: Rose brilliant rose
Cultivar name: Hybrid perpetual rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light Requirement & care: Rich Soil, Full Sun, Part Shade, Water Regularly
Flowers :Large, hot pink, double, showy, colourful, fragrance
Height : 4 feet
Foliage : Straight, healthy, stiff, compact
Uses : Cut flowers

Common Name: Rex begonia merry christmas
Foliage: Large, pink with green variegated, colourful
Light & Water:Full Sun, Part Shade, Water regularly, Do not over water
Suitable for : Borders, bedding garden, pots
Uses : House plants
Type :Evergreen perennial
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, karnataka, india

Common Name: Rose deep carmine pink
Botanical name: Rosa Grandiflora
Family: Rosaceae
Order : Rosales
Flowers : Bright watermelon orange, medium, fragrance
Height :Up to 4 feet
Uses : Cut flowers
Location : lalbagh, bangalore, india
Foliage : Healthy, straight, stiff, compact
Light requirement : Sunny, open

Common Name: Rose magenta
Category: Hybrid Tea Rose
Order : Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Foliage :Healthy, deep green, strong, compact shrub
Flowers : Magenta, fuchsia, double, 35 to 40 petals, large, colourful, showy, fragrance
Location : Ooty rose garden, nilgiris, india
Height : 5 feet tall

Common Name: Rose light carmine pink
Cultivar name: Fragrant cloud rose
Category :Hybrid perpetuals-Rosa borboniana & china roses
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Coral, salmon pink, large, fully double, fragrance, showy
Uses:Cut flowers
Flowering : Recurrent
Location : Lalbagh rose garden, bangalore, karnataka, india

Common Name: Rhododendron
Botanical name: Rhododendron arboreum
Order : Ericales
Found in : India, Sri Lanka, China
Category :Evergreen shrub, small tree
Height : 4 feet to 12 feet
Flowers : White, large, showy, clustered
Good for : Hedges
Location : Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, india

Common Name: Rose cadmium yellow
Family: Rosaceae
Flowers : Yellow, very large, fragrance, showy, colourful
Foliage & plant : Healthy, deep green
Height :5 feet
Site : Sunny, open
Soil : Well drained, moisture, or sandy soils
Propagation : Cuttings
Pests : Aphids, caterpillars, froghoppers

Common Name: Rex begonia her majesty
Folaige: Simple, Green, white with maroon strips in the middle
Height:1.5 feet
Uses : Ornamental
Suitable for : Borders, pots, garden beds
Type :Annual plant
Location :Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, karnataka, india
Light requirement : Full sun
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Rex begonia esther
Plant: Simple, asymmetrical, Green with Magenta pink or medium violet red mixed leaves, showy, colourful
Height:12 inches
Suitable for : Mixed borders, pots, garden beds
Origin / Native : Tropical Subtropical India
Type :Annual, Evergreen perennial
Location : Lalbagh, karnataka, South India
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Rex begonia curly lion, Fancy leaf begonias
Botanical name: Begonia rex
Order : Cucurbitales
Origin / Native : India
Plant & foliage : Yellowish green, maroon, Silver, showy, colourful
Good for : Mixed borders, pots, garden beds
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Rex begonia camelot
Category : Painted leaf plant
Leaves :Black, Maroon, Pink, White and Green Mixed, colourful, showy
Good for : Mixed borders, pots, garden beds
Genus : Begonia
Order :Cucurbitales
Family :Begoniaceae
Location : Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, india
Height : 1.5 feet

Common Name: Rose bud pink white
Botanical name: Honore de balzac rose
Order : Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquet
Flowers :Pink, white with yellow shade or corn silk, bicolour, double, large, showy
Fragrant : Mild, good
Good For : Borders, Garden Rose
Foliage & Plant: Healthy, evergreen, compact shrub, up to 5 feet tall

Common Name: Rose bud pink
Botanical name: Rosa Benjamin britten
Family:Rubiaceae [madder Family]
Good for : Archs, hedges, fence
Category : Climbing shrub
Uses :Cuisine, Ornamental, Medicine
Flowers : Deep pink, medium violet red, magenta, large, showy, colourful
Fragrance : Strong
Group : English Roses

Common Name: Rose misty rose, Musk rose
Botanical name: Rosa moschata
Order : Rosales
Origin/ Native : Western Himalayas
Plant :Compact shrub, healthy, 5 feet, deep green foliage
Flowers : Beige with light pink shade, large, single, fragrance
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka
Uses : Cut flowers
Flowers & Plants by Categories