- Flowers by Name T >Tickseed

Natives of North America and one of the most popular perennials, especially for cutting.
Coreopsis grandiflora has lance-shaped leaves and slender branching stems two to three feet high, bearing flowers two and a half inches across, broadly winged, fully double blooms and bright yellow in colour.
Coreopsis pubescens superb has an arresting crimson central blotch to each flower.
C. lanceolata resembles a dwarf form of C.grandiflora.
C.verticillata has fine feathery foliage surmounted by small yellow flowers.
There is an improved form with larger flowers known as C. v. grandiflora; the height does not exceed a foot. C.rosea, a foot high, bears pale rose flowers.
The coreopsis is seen to best advantage towards the front of herbaceous borders near to purple or dark blue perennials of similar height.
Plant in spring in well-drained rich soil and allow to become established. Of the easiest culture.
Propagation is by division or seed.
The flowering season is in late July and August.
Kingdom - Plantae
Subfamily - Asteroideae
Order - Asterales
Genus - Coreopsis
Species - grandiflora
Origin / Native - North America
Type/ Life Cycle - Perennial
Height- 2 to 3 feet 11 inches tall
Spread- Up to 2 feet wide
Flowers- Large, showy, yellow, toothed petals, double/single bloom
Foliage- Dark green, smooth, narrow, lanceolate leaf, glossy, food source for caterpillars
Seeds- Brown, black color, sharp edged
Propagation- From seeds
Light Requirement & Care- Full Sun, average water, dry to medium moist, well drained soil, low maintenance
Special Feature- Deer, soil, heat, drought tolerance
Category - Herb
Attracts - Bees, Butterflies
Cultivar Name - Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise'
Good For - Borders, pots, cottage, butterfly & summer garden
Tickseed flower and buds
Coreopsis grandiflora
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