- Flower Names > T
Flowers by Name : T
Flowers categorized by Letter t

Common Name: Tagetes patula honeycomb
Botanical name: Tagetes patula
Family : Asteraceae [daisy family]
Synonym: Tagetes lunulata
Origin / Native : America, Mexico
Flowers :Red with yellow, small, showy, 5 petals, fragrant
Suitable for : Borders, garden beds
Height: 2.5 feet
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: White skyflower
Botanical name: Thunbergia grandiflora
Family : Acanthaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : India, Indochina, China, Nepal, Burma
Category : Evergreen climbing vine
Flowering Season : Summer, Spring, Fall
Flowers: White with yellow throat, large, trumpet-shaped, showy
Good for: Arches

Common Name: Texas sage
Botanical name: Leucophyllum frutescens
Family: Scrophulariaceae [Figwort family]
Flowers: Magenta Purple with red dotted pattern throat, bell-shaped, showy, colourful
Foliage : Grayish green, medium aqua marine, healthy
Height :Up to 8 feet tall
Suitable for : Hedges, fence
Light requirement : Sunny, open
Location : Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnatakaa, india

Common Name: Caribbean Trumpet Tree
Botanical name: Tabebuia aurea
Family: Bignoniaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Brazil, South America
Height :Up to 26 feet tall
Category : Deciduous ornamental tree
Flowers : Yellow, trumpet-shaped, small, clustered, colourful
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Tickseed, calliopsis
Botanical name: Coreopsis grandiflora
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : North America
Height :Up to 2 feet tall
Type/ Life Cycle: Perennial
Foliage: Deep green
Flowers: Yellow, medium, toothed wavy petals
Suitable for : Borders, pots, garden beds

Common Name: Tabebuia rosea single
Spanish: Roble de Sabana
Family: Bignoniaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Tropical America
Type :Perennial
Uses : Medicinal
Foliage & height: Deep green & 35 feet
Flowers: Pink with white throat, trumpet-shaped, clustered, showy, colourful
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Ten o'clock flower
Suitable for: Hanging Baskets, Patios, Carpet garden, Easy to care
Type: Annual
Flowers: Magenta pink with white striped, small, velvety, resembling tiny rose, cup shaped, 6.5 cm, double & more petals
Growth Rate : Fast
Height :Up to 12 inches
Foliage : Evergreen, fleshy leaf & stems
Light requirement : Sunny, open

Common Name: Pink trumpet flower
Botanical name: Tabebuia berteroi
Family : Bignoniaceae
Order : Lamiales
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Flowers :Pink with fuchsia, funnel shaped, clustered, colourful, showy
Attracts : Bees, Hummingbirds, Butterflies
Height: 15 feet
Good for : Public parks, roadsides, avenues
Category : Evergreen ornamental tree

Common Name: Shower of Gold Climber, Thryallis Vine
Botanical name: Tristellateia australasiae
Family: Malpighiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Tropical East Africa, Madagascar
Category :Climbing woody vine, Shrub
Type : Perennial
Best for: arches, archways, curves
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Tree marigold seeds, Bolivian Sunflower
Seeds : Black, cone shaped, Directly sow in the ground / garden
Flowers: Large, Showy, Golden yellow petals, Sun flower like blossoms
Height: Up to 15 feet tall
Good For : Summer Garden, Borders, Butterfly garden
Category :Shrub, Tree
Light requirement & care: Sunny, open, average water

Common Name:Horse Purslane, Giant pigweed
Botanical name: Trianthema portulacastrum
Family: Aizoaceae [ice plant family]
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Annual
Type :Herbaceous perennial
Category : Prostrate herb
Flowers: Pink, tiny, borne on leaf stalks
Foliage: Deep green with purple edges
Location: Kundadam, Tirupur, TN, India

Common Name: Trailing dissotis, Pink lady
Botanical name: Dissotis rotundifolia
Family: Melastomataceae
Flowers: Pink color, 4 petals, leaves are hairy
Origin / Native: India, Africa
Category :Wild herb
Synonym : Heterocentron elegans
Grows in : Fields, road sides
Location : Kundadam, Tirupur, india
Light requirement : Full sun

Common Name: Tricolor antirrhinum majus, Dog flower
Botanical name:Antirrhinum majus
Family: Plantaginaceae, Veronicaceae
Origin / Native & cultivated in : Spain, North Africa, Italy, the Mediterranean & India
Height : Dwarf to 3 feet
Type / Life cycle :Annual, Short lived perennial
Suitable for : Borders
Flowers : Pink, white & yellow, clustered

Common Name: Turquoise crossandra
Botanical name: Ecbolium viride
Family: Acanthaceae
Order : Lamiales
Origin / Native: India, Africa, Malaysia
Height :12 inches to 3 feet tall
Type : Perennial
Synonym : Crossandra infundibuliformis, Ecbolium linneanum
Flowers: Pale turquoise, medium aqua marine, teal, cadet blue, clustered, showy

Common Name: Chrome yellow cape honeysuckle
Botanical name: Tecoma capensis
Family: Bignoniaceae
Attracts: Birds, Butterflies
Origin / Native : Madagascar, South Africa
Flowering Season :Year round
Category : Evergreen scrambling shrub, or climber
Suitable for: Hedges, fence
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Indian clock vine, Mysore trumpetvine
Botanical name: Thunbergia mysorensis
Family : Acanthaceae
Order : Lamiales
Origin / Native : Tropical South India
Category :Evergreen climbing vine
Flowering Season : Spring to Fall
Location : Lalbagh botanical gardens, India
Suitable for : Arches, curves

Common Name: Trichodesma, Indian Borage
Botanical name: Trichodesma indicum
Family: Boraginaceae
Uses: Medicinal
Origin / Native : India, Tropical Africa, Asia
Category :Erect Herb
Height & Type: 2 feet, Annual
Foliage: Evergreen, narrow leaves, simple, hairyy, red stems
Flowers: White or lavender blush, velvety, small

Common Name: Tindora, baby watermelon
Cultivar name: Coccinia grandis
Family : Cucurbitaceae
Genus: Coccinia
Origin / Native : India, Philippines, China, Asia, Africa
Uses :Sidda, Ayurveda, Medicinal, Cuisine
Habit : Tropical climbing vine
Foliage: Evergreen,large, glossy
Flowers : White, small, smooth

Common Name: Tagetes erecta orange
Botanical name: Tagetes erecta antigua orange
Family: Asteraceae
Flowers: Large, orange, fragrant, double blossom, Dark green leaves, bushy
Uses : Ornamental, Cut flower, Medicinal, Decorations, Ceremony
Light Requirement:Full Sun
Height : 1.5 feet tall
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Suitable for : Borders, garden beds

Common Name: Tagetes erecta white green mixed
Family :Asteraceae
Flowers: Large, Creamy white, Ball size blooms, Showy, Fragrant including leaf
Good For: Summer garden, Borders, patios
Height : Dwarf to 12 inches
Light Requirement & Care : Well drained soil, Sunny, Average Water
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Pinwheel flower
Botanical name: Tabernaemontana coronaria
Order : Gentianales
Flowers : White with yellow throat, 5 petals, clustered, showy
Height :Up to 10 feet tall
Category : Evergreen plant, Small tree
Foliage : Deep green, glossy
Location : Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Dark eyed turnera, Sulphur alder, White buttercup
Botanical name: Turnera subulata
Family:Passifloraceae[Passion flower family]
Order : Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Florida, South & Central America, West Indies
Height :Up to 20 inches tall
Flowers :White, yellow, black tricolour, small, showy, evergreen foliage, found in hills, mountains

Common Name: Coat buttons, Tridax daisy
Botanical name: Tridax procumbens
Family:Asteraceae [daisy family]
Order : Asterales
Origin / Native : India, Tropical America
Hindi :Ghamra plant
Type & Lifecycle : Unerect perennial herb
Flowers : White, light yellow, corn silk, beige, 6 toothed petals, small blooms connected with long hairy stem

Common Name: Indian cress, Garden nasturtium
Botanical name: Tropaeolum majus
Order : Tropaeolaceae
Origin / Native : South & Central America
Type & Category :Annual herb, Climber
Uses : Companion plant
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Flowers : Yellow with red, bicolour, 5 petals, showy, good for borders

Common Name: Milky flower
Botanical name: Tabernaemontana divaricata
Found In:Thailand
Flowers : Creamy waxy white, double blooms, fragrant, clustered, showy
Height : 12 feet
Category :Multi branched evergreen shrub
Uses : Religious ceremony, Ayurveda, Traditional medicine
Foliage : Deep green, glossy, healthy,strong

Common Name: Bush clockvine violet
Botanical name: Thunbergia erecta
Order : Lamiales
Origin / Native : Western Africa
Habit :Woody shrub, Herb, Climber
Life Cycle : Perennial
Best for : Hedges, fence
Light requirement : Full sun
Flowers : Blue, purple, indigo, blue violet with yellow throat, showy, funnel-shaped
Flowers & Plants by Categories