- Flowers by Name T >Tropaeolum majus
Tropaeolum majus

Kingdom - Plantae
Order - Brassicales
Genus - Tropaeolum
Synonym - Cardamindum majus, tropaeolum hybridum, trophaeum majus
Origin / Native - South & Central America
Category - Herb
Type - Annual
Height - 1.5 to 3 feet
Foliage&Plant - Evergreen, alternate, rounded, connected with long stalk with climbing stems
Flowers - Large, showy, yellow with red patterned, 5 petals, 8 stamens, 1.5 inches long spur, edible, 2.5 inches wide blooms
Uses - Medicinal plant, ornamental plant, companion plant
Flowering Season - All summer
Flowering Month - July to Sep
Good For - Edges, patios, borders, parks, cottage & herb Garden , hanging baskets, containers
Light Requirement&Care - Full sun, well drained soils, average water, easy to grow
Special feature - Heat tolerant
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