- Glossary >C
Glossary C-Connate, Cyme

CALYX : The cup or collection of sepals of a flower.
CAMPANULATE : Bell-shaped
CAPITULUM: A close cluster of flowers consisting of tiny florets packed together on a common platform
CARPEL: A division of the ovary or seed vessel
CLASPING LEAF: When a stalkless leaf encircles the stem.
CLEISTOGENE: Flowers devoid of a corolla. The flowers never open , but develop into fruits by self-fertilization.
COMPOUND: A leaf broken up into several leaflets.

CORDATE: Heart-shaped
CORM : A bulbous underground stem
COROLLA: The inner whorl of the flower composed of the petals.
CORONA: The outer edge of a radiated compound flower
CORYMB: Where the cluster of flowers is brought more or less to the same level
CRUCIFEROUS: With four petals in the form of a cross.
CYME: A shoot terminating in a flower, then sending off side branches each of which terminate in like manner.
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