- Glossary >S
Glossary S-Stipules, Spike, Simple Leaf

SCAPE : a flower-stalk rising direct from the rootstock
SEPAL : a leaf of the calyx ; the outer whorl of the perianth
SERRATED : notched on the edge like a saw
SESSILE : leaves or flowers connected with the stem without footstalks.
SIMPLE LEAF : an undivided leaf
SPADIX : an inflorescence where the flowers are arranged round a thick fleshy spike

SPATHE : the large bract that envelops certain flowers before opening
SPECIES : individual plants bearing certain characters in common
SPIKE : bearing a number of flowers without footstalks.
SPREADING: when he petals of a flower are at right angles with the central column.
SPUR : a projection , usually the nectar

STAMEN : the male pollen-bearing organ
STIGMA : the organ holding the pollen grains at the top of the pistil.
STIPULES: small leaves , always in pairs at the base of a leaf-stalk
STOLON: a trailing stem which roots and develops a new plant at intervals .
STYLE : the support for the stigma
SUCCULENT: with fleshy foliage and stalks
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