- Flowers by Color > Red and Black Flowers
Flowers by Color : Red and Black Flowers, Flowers by Color-Red, Maroon, Rubyred, Raspberry, cardinal red, Scarlet, Brown, Crimson Gallery

Name: Giant red crested cockscomb, Wool Flowers, Brain Celosia
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Light requirement & care :Sunny,part shade, drought tolerant, well drained soils
Hazardous : Plants are poisionous
Flowers : Red, large, 7 inches wide, long-lasting, showy, attractive rooster's comb
Good for : Cut flowers
Propagation : By seeds

Binomial Name: Guzmania lingulata minor
Common Name: Scarlet star, Droophead tufted airplant
Family: Bromeliaceae
Order: Poales
Genus: Guzmania
Origin / Native : Central & South America, Mexico
Category: Evergreen epiphytic perennial
Foliage: Star-shaped basal rosette with orange, yellow, maroon, pink blooms

Common Name: Dark red chrysanthemum
Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum Morifolium 'Kathleen Dark Red'
Maintenance: Low
Height: 1.4 feet
Flowers : Dark red, showy, compact, decorative, long lasting
Flowering Season: Autumn, Summer
Good for: Borders, Container, Hanging Baskets, Pots
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained

Common Name: Wood apple
Botanical name: Limonia acidissima
Family: Rutaceae
Order: Sapindales
Origin / Native : India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indomalaya
Category :Large erect tree
Synonyms : Feronia elephantum, feronia limonia swingle
Height: 20 feet
Flowers: Brown, deep red, small. clustered, attracts bees

Name: Claret rose bud ooty 2016
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Black with maroon, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Reddishgreen, healthy, 5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Name: Piccadilly rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : BloodRed with yellow bicolour, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 4 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Portulaca grandiflora scarlet
Family : Portulacaceae
Order : Caryophyllales
Flowering season : Summer & late spring
Special feature: Heat tolerant, Drought resistant
Type : Annual
Flowers: Bright red, velvety, double, showy
Excellent for: Borders, pots, containers, hanging baskets, Window boxes, ground cover

Name: Jean rex maroon rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Deep maroon, large, clustered, showy, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Reddish green, healthy, 3 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Poppy red, corn poppy
Botanical name: Papaver rhoeas
Height : Up to 46 inches tall
Origin / Native : Europe
Category :Annual, Perennial, biennial
Suitable for : Rock garden, herbaceous border
Foliage : Pale green, deeply lobed leaves
Flowers : Red & white, showy, colourful, short lived blooms

Name: Francis dubreuil rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Deep maroon, medium, clustered, showy, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Deepgreen, healthy, 3 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Zinnia angustifolia profusion red
Botanical name: Zinnia angustifolia
Family: Asteraceae
Type: Annual
Height : Up to 4 feet tall
Flowers :Red, showy, colourful, 21 petals
Suitable for : Borders, garden beds
Light requirement: Sunny, Open
Soils: Well drained or normal soil, average water required

Common Name: Dianthus red with black
Botanical name: Dianthus plumarius
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Type :Perennial, Evergreen shrub, biennial
Best for : Borders, pots, containers
Foliage: Deep green
Flowers: Red with black, 5 petals, 3.5 inches wide blooms

Common Name: Dahlia Maroon, Dahlia 'Maroon Fox'
Botanical name: Dahlia hybrida
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Colombia, Mexico
Type, Flowering :Tuberous annual flowering plant, Aug-Oct
Height : Up to 2 feet 11 inches
Location: Lalbagh gardens, Karnataka
Flowers: Blackish maroon

Common Name: Dahlia red hybrid double
Botanical name: Combretum coccineum
Family: Combretaceae
Order: Combretaceae
Origin / Native : America, Colombia, Mexico
Type :Tuberous, perennial
Height : Dwarf to 182.88cm
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers: Deep red, 4 inches wide, deep green foliage, best for borders

Common Name: Dahlia variabilis red
Botanical name: Dahlia figaro
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : America, Colombia, Mexico
Type :Herbaceous perennial
Height : Dwarf to 3 feet
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers: Deep red, toothed petals, 4.5 inches wide, deep green foliage, best for borders

Common Name: Marigold bonanza bolero
Family: Asteraceae
Order : Asterales
Camera: Nikon D40x
Origin / Native : Mexico, America
Height :16 inches
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Good For : Summer garden, Borders
Flowers : Deep red with yellow, colourful, showy

Common Name: Dahlia red with butterfly
Botanical name: Dahlia hybrida
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : America, Colombia, Mexico
Type :Perennial, Annual
Height : 1.5ft [ 45.720cm ]
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers: Deep red, 5 inches wide, deep green foliage, best for borders, pots

Common Name: Dahlia shadowcat, shadowcat dahlia
Botanical name: Dahlia hybrida
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Colombia, America
Category :Decorative Dahlia
Type : Herbaceous perennial plant
Flowers & Location: Large, DarkRed, maroon with black, 7 inches wide, Ooty
Height: Up to 6 feet

Common Name: Jew's Slipper, Fiddle Flower, Red Slipper Spurge
Botanical name: Euphorbia tithymaloides
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : America
Height :Up to 6 feet
Type : Perennial succulent spurge
Flowers & plant: Red, tiny, clustered bird shaped blooms
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: False Indigo, Baptisia hybrid, Maroon wild indigo
Botanical name: Baptisia australis
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Florida, America, Eastern United States
Type :Upright perennial
Category : Herb, Shrub
Flowers : DarkRed or Maroon, Small
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Gazania rigens gazoo
Botanical name: Gazania rigens
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle : Perennial
Category : Herb
Synonym : Gazania splendens
Location : Ooty, Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India
White variety : Gazania rigens 'Gazoo Clear Vanilla'

Common Name: Hibiscus rosa sinensis red, Red Kauai Rosemallow
Botanical name: Hibiscus clayi
Family: Malvaceae
Species: Clayi
Origin / Native : Molokai, Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands
Type :Shrub or small tree
Height : Up to 6.0960m
Uses : Ornamental and medicinal plant
Light Requirement: Full Sun, partial shade

Common Name: Monkey Brush Vine
Botanical name: Combretum aubletii
Order: Myrtales
Origin / Native : Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Peru
Type :Semideciduous climbing vine, Small Tree
Flowering Season : Spring, summer
Light Requirement : Full sun
Foliage: Deep green, glossy, simple leaf

Common Name: Cockscomb Red White Mixed, Wool Flower, rooster's comb
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Height : Up to 5 inches [ 3 feet tall]
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Class : Magnoliopsida

Common Name: Dianthus black cherry
Scientific Name: Dianthus barbatus
Light requirement & Care: Sunny, open, normal, sandy soils, low maintenance, heat tolerant
Height: 3 feet tall
Type : Perennial
Flowering season: Spring, summer
Attracts: Butterflies, humming birds
Good For : Cut Flowers, bouquets

Common Name: Crested Celosia, Cockscomb
Botanical name: Celosia cristata
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, India
Light Requirement : Full sun
Type : Annual, Herbaceous perennial
Best for : Borders, containers,pots, garden beds
Flowers : Maroon red with red stems, glossy, tiny, black seeds

Common Name: Canna lily
Botanical name: Canna
Family: Cannaceae
Order: Zingiberales
Origin / Native : India, South Carolina, US, Texas, Argentina, Europe, East Indies
Type : Tropical, subtropical perennial herb
Attracts : Bats, bees, hummingbirds
Best for : Borders, containers,pots
Flowers : crimson red in color, clustered, large, 4 petals

Common Name: Ixora red, Dwarf Ixora, Maui Ixora
Botanical name: Ixora coccinea
Family: Rubiaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa, Malaysia
Uses :Ancient Tamil medicine
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Flowers: Crimson red & yellow
Flowering Month : March to may
Best for : Hedges

Common Name: Impatiens Balsamina Redwhite, simply impatiens, Bicolor cherry balsam
Botanical name: Impatiens walleriana
Family: Balsaminaceae
Genus: Impatiens
Origin / Native : Africa, Asia
Type :Herbaceous perennial
Synonym : Impatiens sultanii
Flowers : Red with white, bicolor
Location : Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Birdsville Indigo, Nine leafed Indigo
Botanical name: Indigofera Linnaei
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa,Tropical, subtropical Areas
Life Cycle :Annual, perennial
Category : Herb, shrub
Location : Dharapuram, Tamilnadu, India
Flowers: Red, tiny, hairy leaf & stems

Common Name: Japanese poinsettia, Buckthorn
Botanical name: Euphorbia tithymaloides
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Synonym: Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Category : Succulent perennial spurge
Height : Up 2 to 8 feet tall
Location : Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnataka
Camera : Nikon D40x

Common Name: Bellyache bush
Botanical name: Jatropha gossypiifolia
Family: Euphorbiaceae [Spurge family]
Order: Malpighiales
Origin/Native : South America, Mexico, Caribbean islands
Category :Shrub
Flowers : Deep red or maroon with yellow
Hindi : Bherenda, Ratanjoti
Tamil : Siria Amanakku, Adalai, Atalai

Common Name: Sausage tree, cucumber tree, Kigelia
Botanical name: Kigelia africana
Family: Bignoniaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Tropical Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Eritrea
Type : Ornamental tree
Fruits used in : African herbal medicine
Hindi : Balam khira, Jhar fanoos
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Keli flower
Botanical name: Canna
Family: Cannaceae
Order: Zingiberales
Origin / Native : India, Argentina, America
Height :Up to 48 inches tall
Type : Perennial herb
Flowers : Red with yellow, clustered
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Best for: Pots, containers, borders, garden beds

Common Name: Lilium Starfighter, lily starfighter red white, Oriental Lily, Easter Lily
Botanical name: Amaryllis belladonna
Family: Alliaceae
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Synonym :Hippeastrum correiense
Type : Perennial herb
Uses: Cut flowers
Flowers: Red, white, green throat, large

Common Name: Mildred scheel rose, Deep Secret Rose
Botanical name: Rosa Mildred Scheel, Rosa Deep Secret
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Origin / Native : German, Asia, Europe
Height :2 feet to 4 feet [118.87cm] tall
Category : Hybrid Tea Rose
Flowers : Maroon, Deep red with black
Location: Ooty rose garden, Nilgiri, India

Common Name: Monkey brush vine red, Escova de Macaco, monkey brush, Escovinha, Bugio
Botanical name: Combretum fruticosum
Family: Combretaceae
Order: Myrtales
Origin / Native : Venezuela, Brasil, Guiana, Bolivia, America
Type :Tropical Perennial
Synonym : Gardenia volkensii
Flowers: Deep red with yellow stamens
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Monkey brush vine yellow
Botanical name: Combretum fruticosum
Family: Combretaceae
Flowering Season: Summer to Fall
Origin / Native : Costa Rica, Tropical America, Mexico
Category :Evergreen climbing Vine
Height : Up to 15 feet tall
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, india

Common Name: Marvel of peru, Garden jalap, Beauty of the night
Botanical name: Mirabilis jalapa
Family: Nyctaginaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Type :Perennial
Uses : Ornamental
Flowers: Red or medium violet red, dark orchid
Tamil : Andhi Mandhaarai, Anthi Malli
Malayalam : Naalumani poovu

Common Name: New guinea impatiens, Patience Plant
Botanical name: Impatiens walleriana
Family : Balsaminaceae
Order: Ericales
Origin / Native : Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia
Flowering Season : All Year
Best For : Pots, containers, garden beds, hanging baskets
Flowers: Red, small, toothed petals
Location : Ooty, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Zinnia scarlet flame
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Category: Herbaceous flowering plant
Foliage: Dark green, compact, 12 inches tall
Light Requirement : Sunny, open, moist, well drained soils
Flowers : Red, large, daisy like bright blooms
Suitable for : Garden Beds, borders, containers, outdoor, pots

Common Name: Orange gerbera daisy Indo American Hybrid Seeds India Pvt. Ltd.
Botanical name: Gerbera × hybrida
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native :South Africa
Life Cycle:Tender perennial plant
Location : Lalbagh botanical garden, karnataka, india
Uses: Cut flowers
Flowers: Range red, large, showy

Common Name: Opium poppy
Family: Papaveraceae
Type : Annuals, biennials & perennials
Best for: Rock garden, herbaceous borders
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe
Height : Up to 3 feet tall
Flowers : Maroon, deep red, dark magenta, showy, colourful hairy stems
Light requirement : Sunny, open & sheltered, free draining solis
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india
Propagation :Seeds

Common Name: Perfumed Passionflower, Crimson Passionflower, Passionvine
Botanical name: Passiflora vitifolia
Family : Passifloraceae
Order: Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Central & South America
Flowers : Red, showy
Cateogry : Climbing vine
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india

Common Name: Jacob's Ladder, Slipper Flower
Botanical name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides red
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Height: Up to 96 inches tall
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Species : tithymaloides
Genus : Euphorbia
Flowers: Red, tiny bird like blooms, clustered like chorus birds
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Pride of burma, Orchid Tree, Lady Amherst's Pheasant
Botanical name: Amherstia nobilis
Family: Fabaceae
Order: Fabales
Origin / Native : Burma [Myanmar]
Flowers :Red, showy
Height: Up to 35 feet tall
Category: Rare tropical flowering tree
Best for: Public garden, avenues
Genus : Amherstia

Common Name: Parasol flower, Mandarins hat
Botanical name: Holmskioldia sanguinea
Family: Lamiaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Tropical Asia, Himalayan lowlands
Category :Erect shrub, Climber
Uses : Ornamental
Flowers: Red, clustered spikes, showy
Best for: Edges, borders, hedges
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Cimora misha, Jewbush
Botanical name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Hindi: Vilayti Sher
Origin / Native : Tropical America
Uses :Philippine Herbal Medicine
Category : Succulent spurge, Shrub
Uses:Cut flowers
Location: Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Synonym :Euphorbia tithymaloides

Common Name: Cascading geranium
Botanical name: Pelargonium peltatum
Family: Geraniaceae
Order: Geraniales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Category & Uses :Evergreen Shrub, Ornamental plant
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Best for : Pots, borders, contianers
Flowers: Crimson red, small, clustered

Common Name: Pergularia, Trellis vine
Botanical name: Pergularia daemia
Order : Gentianales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa, Europe
Type & Category :Perennial climbing vine
Uses : Medicinal
Synonym : Daemia extensa
Grow in : Woodland, roadside, Riverbank
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name: Petunia star flower
Botanical name: Petunia hybrida
Life Cycle : Annual
Origin / Native : Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, South America
Light Requirement & Care :Full Sun, Well drained soil
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Pots, borders, hanging basket
Flowers : Red with white, bicolour, showy

Name: Martha gonzales rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Red, small, clustered, showy, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Deepgreen, healthy, 3 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Garden phlox, Maroon color phlox
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
Type : Perennial Herb
Origin / Native : America
Genus :Phlox
Good for : Borders, pots, contianers, garden beds
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Flowers : Dark red, dark magenta with white eyed, clustered

Common Name: Mousetail plant, Myrtle-leaved Leaf Flower
Botanical name: Phyllanthus myrtifolius
Order : Malpighiales
Origin / Native : Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, Australia
Height :Up to 10 feet tall
Uses : Ornamental, Bonsai
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Category : Small Tree or Large shrub

Common Name: Poppy red, corn poppy
Botanical name: Papaver rhoeas
Height : Up to 46 inches tall
Origin / Native : Europe
Category :Annual, Perennial, biennial
Suitable for : Rock garden, herbaceous border
Foliage : Pale green, deeply lobed leaves
Flowers : Red, showy, colourful, short lived blooms

Common Name: Mini Rose, Paneer rose
Botanical name: Rosa Pisocarpa
Origin / Native : Asia, America
Type : Erect shrub
Flowers :Showy, Red, Small Petals, Fragrant
Light requirement & care: Open, sunny, well drained, moisture-retentive loam soil
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, South India
Foliage : Evergreen

Common Name: Moss rose red
Botanical name: Portulaca grandiflora red
Flowers : Small, Red with yellow, Showy
Origin / Native : South America
Type :Annual
Category : Succulent Shrub
Foliage : Simple, fleshy
Propagation : Seeds, stem cuttings
Best for: Pots, contianers, borders, hanging baskets

Common Name: Papa meilland rose, Papa Meilland
Botanical name: Rosa 'Papa Meilland'
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Origin / Native : France
Category :Hybrid Tea Roses, Bush Roses
Type : Perennial
Uses : Cut flowers, perfumes, commercial, art
Flowers : Deep red, maroon, black, showy, fragrance
Location : Ooty botanical garden, South india

Common Name: Papaver, poppy
Botanical name:Papaver rhoeas
Family: Papaveraceae
Poppy Varieties: P. alpinum, P.nudicaule, P.orientale, P. rhoeas
Origin / Native : Europe
Type / Life cycle :Annual, biennials, perennials
Flowers : Red with white, colourful, showy
Light requirement & care: Full sun, open, sheltered, free-draining soils

Common Name: Poppy
Botanical name: Papaver rhoeas
Family: Papaveraceae
Flowers: Red with black, showy, colourful
Origin / Native : Europe, South west asia, britain, arctic
Height:Up to 2 feet tall
Propagation : Sow seeds[Annuals]-spring, biennials-early summer
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Good for : Herbaceous border, rock garden

Common Name: Painted daisy
Botanical name: Chrysanthemum carinatum
Family: Compositae
Type: Annuals, perennials, shrub
Origin / Native : Mediterranean, portugal, north africa, caucasus, Europe, japan, pyrenees
Light requirement :Sunny or part shade
Soil : Well drained, fertile
Pests: Aphids, earwigs, leaf miner, capsid bugs
Diseases : Grey mould

Common Name: Coral fountain
Botanical name: Russelia equisetiformis
Family : Plantaginaceae
Height: Up to 60 inches tall
Origin / Native : Mexico, Guatemala
Category : Deciduous Weeping shrub, subshrub
Genus : Russelia
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india
Flowers :Red, beige, white, funnel shaped small

Common Name: Red euphorbia milii
Botanical name: Euphorbia milii var. hislopii
Family: Spurge family
Type: Annual
Origin / Native : Madagascar
Best For :Containers, Summer Garden
Category : Cactus Plant
Height : 3 feet
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India
Flowers : Red, small, clustered, showy with thorny foliage

Common Name: Treasure Flower
Botanical name:Gazania big kiss orange flame
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle :Short lived Annual, Perennial
Suitable for : Pots, borders, containers, garden beds, ground cover
Propagation: From seeds
Flowers: Orange red brown with black tricolor

Common Name: Red dianthus
Botanical name: Dianthus barbatus
Family : Caryophyllaceae
Origin / Native: Europe, Africa, Asia
Height : 1.5 feet
Flowers :Red, colourful, fragrant, large
Type : Perennial
Plant & foliage: Bright green leaves, erect stems, lance-shaped leaves
Excellent for : Cutting & border
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name:Parasol flower, Mandarins hat
Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Family: Malvaceae
Order: Malvales
Attracts : bees, butterflies
Type :Herbaceous perennial
Uses : Medicinal, ayurvedic, flowers & leaves used for hair growth
Flowers: Red, 5 petals, showy
Best for: Edges, hedges
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Name: Danse de feu rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Scarlet, Crimson, CardinalRed, Cherry red shades, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deepgreen, healthy, 3 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Red bougainvillea
Botanical name: Bougainvillea glabra
Family: Nyctaginaceae
Good for: Bonsai, fence, arch, hedges, contianers
Origin / Native : South America
Special Feature :Drought & heat tolerant
Category : Evergreen climbing Vine
Flowers : Red, magenta, fuchsia, deep pink, clustered, colourful, showy, no fragrance
Tamil : Paper flower

Common Name: Red chinese hat flower
Botanical name: Holmskioldia sanguinea
Height & Spread: Up to 72 inches tall & 60 inches wide
Flowering Season: Early Summer, Summer, Autumn
Origin / Native : Sub tropical & Lowlands of Himalayas
Category :Erect Climbing Shrub
Type & Category : Evergreen Perennial Shrub

Common Name: Red flag bush, Prophet's Tears
Botanical name: Mussaenda erythrophylla
Family: Rubiaceae
Grow well in: Full Sun, Part Shade
Origin / Native : Tropical& West Africa
Category :Evergreen scrambling shrub
Best For : Containers, Summer garden
Location: Lalbagh, karnataka, india
Flowers: Red, showy, colourful

Common Name: Red garden phlox, Phlox Miss Mary
Botanical & cultivar name: Phlox paniculata red riding hood
Flowers :Small, 1 ½ inch, Red with white throat
Grow well in: Moist, well drained soil, full sun
Origin / Native :North America
Good For:Summer garden, Borders
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Name: Abingdon ace dahlia
Family : Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Height : 3.5 feet tall, best for borders
Type :Herbaceous perennial plant
Flowers : Cherry red, cardinal red, Dark red, maroon, or mulberry color, large, 7 inches wide blooms, showy
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, Nilgiris, Tamil nadu, India
Used for: Cut flowers

Common Name: Red phlox paniculata
Cultivar: Phlox paniculata red riding hood
Flowering Season: Early Summer, Early Fall
Water Requirement: Average Water
Origin / Native : New York, Germany, England
Height :Up to 24 inches
Type & Category : Herbaceous perennial
Flowers:Crimson red with maroon eye, clustered, showy
Location: Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Red salvia
Family : Lamiaceae
Height: 24 inches to 48 inches tall
Type & Category: Evergreen perennial shrub
Origin / Native : Brazil
Good For :Summer garden, Container, Borders
Flowers:Red, showy, colourful, tall spikes of long-lasting blooms
Foliage: Mid green, lanceolate leaves, branching stems

Common Name: Red with yellow snapdragon
Family : Plantaginaceae
Genus: Antirrhinum
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : North Africa, Europe
Light Requirement & Care : Well drained soil, Full Sun, Partial Shade, Water Regularly
Best For: Summer Garden, Borders
Flowering colors : Deep pink, medium violet red, dark magenta
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Rouge plant, Baby peppers
Botanical name: Rivina humilis
Order : Caryophyllales
Found in : Central & South America, Caribbean islands
Type & Category :Evergreen perennial herb, Shrub, Vine
Flower, Seeds : White, Red
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, karnataka, South India

Common Name: Red pom pom dahlia
Botanical name: Dahlia hybrida
Family : Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Colombia, America
Foliage :Deep green
Flowers : Red, medium violet red, dark magenta or purple, small, double, showy, colourful, fragrance
Suitable for: Borders, pots
Used for : Cut flowers

Common Name: Red zinnia
Botanical name: Zinnia elegans
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : North & South America
Flowers :Red, Crimson red, large, showy, colourful
Suitable for : Borders, pots, bedding garden
Foliage: Deep green, dwarf, 12 inches
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Name: Perfect moment rose ooty 2016
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Yellow with red, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deepgreen, healthy, 4 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Red poppy flower, oriental poppy
Botanical name: Papaver orientale
Family : Papaveraceae
Type: Hardy perennial
Height & spread : 36 inches & 24 inches wide
Suitable for : Borders
Foliage : Deep green, hairy, deeply cut leaf
Location :Lalbagh, bangalore,karnataka, india
Flowers :Red, bright scarlet, large blooms with strong stems in early summer

Common Name: Octopus Tree, Queensland umbrella tree, Ivy Palm
Botanical name: Schefflera actinophylla
Family: Araliaceae
Order: Apiales
Origin / Native: Java, New Guinea, Northern Australia
Height :Up to 48 feet tall
Category : Tropical evergreen tree
Foliage : Deep green, large, glossy
Flowers : Red, tiny flowers arranged in a large spikes resembles octopus

Name: Truly loved velvet fragrance rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Raspberry, cerise, or ruby red, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Sorrow less tree, Ashok briksh
Botanical name: Saraca asoca
Family: Fabaceae
Synonym: Saraca indica
Found In: Indian subcontinent, Himalaya
Uses :Herbal, Medicinal, Ayurveda
Category : Evergreen Rain forest tree
Flowers : Red, yellow, orange, clustered, colourful, showy
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Scarlet clock vine, Scarlet Thunbergia, Indian clock vine
Botanical name:Thunbergia mysorensis
Family: Acanthaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : Burma, India
Category :Evergreen woody climbing vine
Synonym : Thunbergia coccinea
Attracts : Butterflies, Hummingbirds
Flowers : Yellow with red blooms, clustered spikes, hanging downwards

Common Name: Small euphorbia milii
Botanical name: Euphorbia milii var. tulearensis
Flowers : Small, Showy, 2 petals, Clustered
Origin / Native : Madagascar
Height :Up to 2 feet tall
Category : Evergreen succulent shrub
Location : Bannerghatta National Park, Bangalore, India
Foliage : Evergreen, thorny

Common Name:Red carnation and rose bouquet
Botanical name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Europe, Asia, Africa, Mediterranea
National flower of: Monaco
Flowers: Crimson red, 4 inches wide, deep green foliage, best for bouquets
Location: Ooty botanical garden, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India

Common Name: Streptosolen jamesonii orange, Orange Browallia, Firebush
Botanical name: Streptosolen jamesonii
Family :Solanaceae
Flowering Season : Late Spring to Late Summer
Origin / Native : Colombia, South America
Category & Habit :Semi climbing evergreen shrub
Site : Sunny, open
Flowers : Orange red, small, colourful, hairy

Common Name: Ringo deep scarlet geranium
Family: Geraniaceae
Flowering season: Early summer-Autumn
Attracts: Butterflies, bees
Foliage: Dark green, compact, 12 inches tall
Light Requirement : Sunny, open, moist, well drained soils, heat tolerant, Pest & Disease Resistant
Flowers : Rosy pink & white, small, free flowering, repeatedly blooming, clustered
Suitable for : Garden Beds, Hanging Baskets, , Containers, Outdoor, indoor
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