- Flower Names > N
Flowers by Name : N
Flowers categorized by Letter n

Common Name: Neon splendor dahlia
Botanical name: Dahlia hybrida
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Flowers : Orance, gold, with red, large, fragrance, 6 inches wide blooms
Origin / Native : Mexico, South America
Genus : Dahlia
Category : Herbaceous perennial
Location :Ooty botanical garden, Nilgiri Hills, india
Uses :Cut flowers

Name: Nerium oleander white
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Hazards: All parts are toxic
Category : Evergreen shrub or Small tree
Common Name: Oleander, Tamil-Vellai Arali
Foliage: Evergreen, glossy, 18.9 feet tall, good for fence
Flowers: White, velvety, small, clustered, aromatic
Location: Butterfly Park, Srirangam, Melur, Tiruchirappalli,Tamil Nadu, India

Common Name: New guinea impatiens, Patience Plant
Botanical name: Impatiens walleriana
Family : Balsaminaceae
Order: Ericales
Origin / Native : Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia
Flowering Season : All Year
Best For : Pots, containers, garden beds, hanging baskets
Flowers: Red, small, toothed petals
Location : Ooty, Tamilnadu, South India

Common Name: Pineapple cactus, Nipple cactus
Botanical name: Mammillaria prolifera
Family: Cactaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela
Category / Habit :Cactus, Succulents
Synonym : Mammillaria sulcata
Best for : Pots, containers
Grow in : Desert, grassland
Flowering Season : Feb to Mar

Common Name: Narrow leaf yellow bells, Arizona Yellow Bells
Botanical name: Tecoma stans v. angustata
Family: Bignoniaceae
Genus: Tecoma
Origin / Native : New Mexico, Texas, Arizona
Width :Up to 8 feet wide
Height : Up to 12 Feet tall
Flowers: Yellow, fragrance, clustered, funnel shaped
Foliage & fruits : Deep green & poisonous

Common Name: Nettle leaved goosefoot, Salt green
Botanical name: Chenopodiastrum murale
Family: Amaranthaceae [Amaranth family]
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Africa, Asia, Europe
Flowering Month :June to Aug
Type : Annual
Flowers: Purple with green
Location: Kundadam, tirupur, tamilnadu, India

Common Name: Oleander, laurier rose
Botanical name: Nerium oleander
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Origin / Native : Mediterranean regions of the world
Special Character :Poisonous
Type : Small tree, Ornamental shrub
Flowers: Pink, clustered, fragrance
Height : 15 feet
Foliage : Deepgreen, strong, sharp & oval shaped simple narrow leaves

Common Name: Nelumbo purple, Sacred Lotus
Botanical name: Nelumbo Nucifera
Family: Nelumbonaceae
Order: Proteales
Origin / Native : Tropical Asia
Synonym :Nelumbium speciosum
Type : Perennial
Flowers : Purple, Blue violet, dark violet or dark orchid with yellow centric, large
Location : Himalaya, india

Common Name: New guinea impatiens divine orange with bronze leaf
Botanical Name: Impatiens hawkeri
Family: Balsaminaceae
Order: Ericales
Flowers : Orange red,, toothed 5 petals, velvety, clustered, showy
Origin / Native: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands
Good for: Borders, Container, Hanging Baskets, Pots

Common Name: Newaukum honey dahlia
Botanical name: Dahlia hybrida
Family : Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Height : 4 feet tall
Type :Herbaceous perennial plant
Flowers : Beige with light pink shade, 7 inches wide blooms, large, showy, colourful
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, Nilgiris, Tamil nadu, India
Used for: Cut flowers

Common Name: Novalis rose ooty
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Light blue, pale purple, large, clustered, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Evergreen
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Name: Nostalgia rose red and white bicolour
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Pink & white bicolour, large, showy, hybrid tea rose, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Reddish green, healthy, 5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Tobacco flower
Botanical name: Nicotiana tabacum
Family: Solanaceae
Order: Solanales
Origin / Native : Europe, America, Australasia, Africa, Asia
Height :Up to 48 inches tall
Type : Annual, Perennial herb
Best for: Border, pots, containers, garden beds
Flowers: Magenta, medium violet red or violet

Common Name: Nancy reagan rose
Botanical name: Rosa Nancy Reagan
Subfamily: Rosoideae
Genus: Rosa
Height: Up to 72 inches tall
Flowers :Large, Showy, Double, Mild fragrance, apricot color
Foliage :Healthy, Deep green, compact
Uses : Cut Flowers
Category : Hybrid Tea Rose
Location : KLalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, karnataka, india
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