- Flower Names > V
Flowers by Name : V
Flowers categorized by Letter v

Name: Vanilla african marigold
Scientific Name: Tagetes erecta
Family: Asteraceae
Light requirement & care :Sunny, well drained soils
Height : 1 feet 4 inches tall
Flowers : Creamy white, fully double, 3.5 inches wide blooms, large, showy with deep green foliage
Good for : Cut flowers, borders, garden beds
Flowering season : Spring, Summer

Common Name: Violet garden phlox
Botanical name: Phlox paniculata
Family : Polemoniaceae
Genus: Phlox
Flowers & Plant : Blue violet, dark orchid, Bright magenta violet in colour, showy, 5 petals, fragrant, large clustered
Good For : Summer garden, Mixed Borders, Garden beds
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Violet queen zinnia
Botanical name: Zinnia 'Giant Violet Queen'
Family: Asteraceae
Light requirement & care :Sunny, well drained soils, water daily
Height : 10 inches
Flowers : Violet,purple,magenta, large, showy
Best for : Cut flowers
Good for : Borders, garden beds
Propagation : Seeds

Name: Verbena tenuisecta
Common Name: Garden verbena
Flowers : Small, showy, clustered, velvety blue, purple, 5 petals, toothed
Foliage & Plant height: Green, simple, opposite, 1.5 feet tall
Good For: Bedding garden, borders, butterfly garden
Uses : Ornamental plants
Light requirement : Sunny, open
Location : Trichy butterfly park, india

Common Name: Violet petunia
Botanical name: Petunia violacea
Family: Solanaceae [potato family]
Flowers: Large, Showy, Fragrant, Blue violet color, 5 cm wide, Funnel shaped
Origin / Native : South America
Special Characteristic :Heat tolerant
Suitable for : Borders, containers, pots, garden beds
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Height : Up to 12 inches

Common Name: Verbena pink
Botanical name: Verbena hybrida
Family : Verbenaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : South America
Flowers :Pink, small, clustered, showy
Suitable for : Borders, garden beds
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india
Type & Category : Annual, perennial herb

Common Name: Five leaved chaste tree
Botanical name: Vitex negundo
Family: Lamiaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan
Category :Small aromatic tree, large shrub
Tamil: Nochi
Foliage: Grayish green, medicinal, 12 feet tall
Flowers: Slate blue, purple, tiny, clustered, aromatic

Common Name: Blue Vanda, Autumn Lady's Tresses
Botanical name : Vanda coerulea
Family : Caryophyllales
Order: Asparagales
Origin / Native: China, Khasi hills, Assam, North East India
Subfamily :Epidendroideae
Uses : Medicinal
Flowers : Blue violet, indigo, showy, clustered
Suitable for : Hanging baskets

Common Name: Verbena
Botanical name: Verbena x hybrida
Family: Verbenaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin / Native : America, Europe
Uses :Ornamental, Butterfly garden
Type : Annual, perennial
Flowers : Purple, blue violet, small, toothed petals, clustered, colourful
Suitable for : Butterfly park, borders
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, india

Common Name: Prickly acacia, gum arabic tree
Scientific name: Vachellia nilotica
Family : Fabaceae
Order : Fabales
Origin / Native : Africa, Middle East, India
Height :Up to 60 feet tall
Category : Semi-deciduous tree
Foliage: Evergreen
Good for : Public parks, roadsides, avenues
Flowers : Yellow, hairy, globe shaped
Flowers & Plants by Categories