- Flower Names > G Gallery
Flowers by Name : G Gallery
Flowers categorized by Letter g

Common Name: Gazania new day tiger mix 2017
Family: Asteraceae[Daisy family ]
Order: Asterales
Flowering season: Late spring, summer, Fall
Special feature : Drought-tolerant
Flowers : White & pink stripes with yellow brown center
Best for : Cut flowers, groundcover, patios, pots, containers
Light requirement : Sunny,poor soils tolerant

Common Name: Gazania rigens gazoo
Botanical name: Gazania rigens
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle : Perennial
Category : Herb
Synonym : Gazania splendens
Location : Ooty, Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India
White variety : Gazania rigens 'Gazoo Clear Vanilla'

Common Name: Gloxinia flower
Botanical Name: Sinningia speciosa
Family: Gesneriaceae
Order: Lamiales
Origin or Native : Central and South America
Type :Annuals or perennial
Flowers: Red with white dotted pattern throat, funnel shaped, showy, colourful, velvety
Genus: Sinningia
Foliage: Evergreen, hairy leaves, 12 inches tall
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Gabrielle marie dahlia
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Type : Herbaceous perennial plant
Used for:Cut flowers, Bouquets
Flowers : Large, Apricot pink & yellow bicolour, sharp petals, 4.5 inches wide, showy
Location: Ooty botanical gardens, nilgiris, tamil nadu, india
Foliage: Dark green, 5 feet tall, good for borders

Common Name: Gabrielle privat rose
Used for: Cut flowers
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Best for : Pots, containers, borders, edges
Flowers :Magenta pink, small, colourful, showy, fragrance, clustered
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Foliage: Ever green, compact, healthy, 3 feet tall
Camera: Nikon D40X

Common Name: Gerbera red and yellow variegated lalbagh flower show jan 2016
Flowers: Red with yellow, bicolour, showy, colourful
Family : Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers, borders
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, healthy

Common Name: Green miniature roses lalbagh independence day flower show august 2015
Flowers: Green or honey dew, small, showy, colourful, clustered
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, healthy, 3 feet tall

Binomial Name: Guzmania lingulata minor
Common Name: Scarlet star, Droophead tufted airplant
Family: Bromeliaceae
Order: Poales
Genus: Guzmania
Origin / Native : Central & South America, Mexico
Category: Evergreen epiphytic perennial
Foliage: Star-shaped basal rosette with orange, yellow, maroon, pink blooms

Common Name: Geranium double-Glass house competition
Family: Geraniaceae
Order: Geraniales
Type: Annual, biennial, perennial plants
Origin / Native : South Africa
Used as :Ornamental plant
Flowers : White with purple, clustered
Category : Succulent shrub
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Best for: Pots, containers, borders

Common Name: Geranium ivy
Order: Malpighiaceae
Type:Annual, biennial, perennial plants
Origin / Native :South Africa
Used as :Ornamental plant
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Flowers : Magenta red or Medium Violet Red, clustered with long stem
Best for : Pots, containers, borders

Name: Gazania big kiss white flame
Family: Asteraceae
Order: Asterales
Origin / Native : South Africa
Type/Life Cycle :Short lived Annual, Perennial
Suitable for : Pots, borders, containers, garden beds, ground cover
Propagation: From seeds
Flowers: White, purple striped blooms, showy
Light requirement: Sunny, open

Name: Gemma floribunda rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Pink, Large, clustered, showy, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Deepgreen, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Gerbera petunia wonderla
Flowers used:Gerbera & petunia
Colors: Yellow, magenta pink with purple, blue and white theme
Location: Lalbagh independence day flower show 2014
Flowers count : 50 daisies and 100 & more petunia
Camera :Nikon D40X
Photographs : Guna Selvi
Height: Up to 1 feet
Lenth: 5 feet wide

Name: Giggles miniature pink rose
Flowers: Small, showy, salmon pink, fragrance
Best for : Small pots, borders
Foliage : Deep green foliage, 2.5 feet tall
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Gomphrena globosa pink, Bachelor Button Pink
Botanical name:Gomphrena globosa
Family: Amaranthaceae
Order: Caryophyllales
Origin / Native : Guatemala, Brazil, Panama
Height :Up to 2 feet tall
Uses : Bouquet, cut flowers
Flowers: Pink, globe shaped, small
Best for: Pots, borders, containers, garden beds
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Good as gold yellow rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Yellow with beige, large, showy, colourful, fragrance
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Deep green, strong, healthy, 5 feet tall
Flowers & Plants by Categories