- Roses > Varieties with Names Gallery 2
Rose varieties, hybrid tea roses, miniature roses

Common Name: Grafin diana rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Black, maroon, large, showy, 5 inches wide blooms, fragrant
Foliage :Reddish green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Mainzer fastnacht rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Light blue, pale purple, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deep green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Name: Harry wheatcroft rose red yellow striped petals
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Yellow, red striped, bicolour, showy, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Reddish green, healthy, 4 to 5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Roxy miniature rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Purple, magenta, small, clustered, 2.5 inches wide blooms, showy
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 3.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Light pink white rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Baby pink with white shade, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deep green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Grace apricot rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Pink, large, showy, 4.5 inches wide blooms fragrant
Foliage :Reddish green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Novalis rose ooty
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Light blue, pale purple, large, clustered, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Evergreen
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Yellow magenta rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Yellow, magenta red, bicolour, showy, fragrant, hybrid tea rose
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Name: Yellow red hybrid tea rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Yellow, red, bicolour, showy, fragrant, hybrid tea rose
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: Pale purple rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Category: Hybrid Tea Rose
Flowers : Light blue, pale purple, large, clustered, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 3 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Papa meilland hybrid tea rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Maroon with back shade, Medium, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deep green, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Prince jardinier garden rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Light pink, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deep green, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Red white bicolour rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : White with pink edged,bicolour, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Reddish green, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Mildred scheel rose, Deep Secret Rose
Botanical name: Rosa Mildred Scheel, Rosa Deep Secret
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Origin / Native : German, Asia, Europe
Height :2 feet to 4 feet [118.87cm] tall
Category : Hybrid Tea Rose
Flowers : Maroon, Deep red with black
Location: Ooty rose garden, Nilgiri, India

Common Name: Rosette delizy tea rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Light yellow with pink, bicolour, showy, fragrant, hybrid tea rose
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Name: Sedona hybrid tea rose
Flowers : Medium to large, hybrid tea rose, classic, showy, fragrant, deep orange red in color, 35 petals
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Best for : Pots, containers, edges
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Foliage: Evergreen, compact, healthy, 3 feet tall
Camera: Nikon D40X

Common Name: Carefree beauty rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4.5 feet tall
Flowers : Pink, medium, clustered, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deep green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Chasin rainbows rose miniature variety
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 3 feet
Flowers : Small, bicolor, showy, fragrant, deep orange with yellow mixed petals, deep green foliage, best for pots display
Foliage :Reddish green, compact, healthy
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore, india
Best for: Pots, borders, containers, garden beds

Common Name: Rose sunstar kordes
Uses: Cut flowers
Flowers: Light Yellow, medium, mild fragrance, showy
Best for : Pots, containers, borders
Foliage : Evergreen foliage, 2 to 4 feet tall
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Gabrielle privat rose
Used for: Cut flowers
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Best for : Pots, containers, borders, edges
Flowers :Magenta pink, small, colourful, showy, fragrance, clustered
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Foliage: Ever green, compact, healthy, 3 feet tall
Camera: Nikon D40X

Common Name: Live wire miniature rose
Flowers: Small, showy, medium violet red or hotpink color
Best for : Small pots, borders
Foliage : Deep green foliage, 2.5 feet tall
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Beauty star hybrid tea rose reddish orange bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers: Pink, salmon apricot orange, showy, colourful, fragrance, large blooms
Height: 4 feet
Foliage :Ever green, strong,compact
Used for : Cut flowers, bouquets, vases
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Marigold sweet dreams patio miniature yellow and red rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Yellow with red, small, showy, colourful
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers, borders
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, healthy

Common Name: Good as gold yellow rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Yellow with beige, large, showy, colourful, fragrance
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Deep green, strong, healthy, 5 feet tall

Common Name: Mrs dudley cross rose
Cultivar & Botanical Name: Rosa 'Mrs dudley cross'
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Flowers :White, large, 4.5 inches wild, fragrance
Foliage: Deep green
Location: Lalbagh rose garden, bangalore, karnataka, india
Best for: Pots, containers, glass houses

Common Name: Leaping salmon rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Pink, large, showy, colourful
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Deep green, strong, healthy, 5 feet tall

Common Name: Silver jubilee rose yellow and pink rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Yellow with pink, large, showy, colourful
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers, borders
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, healthy

Common Name: Moody blue rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Medium violet red, pinkish purple or pinkish violet or plum with hot pink color, large, fragrance
Height : 5 feet
Best for :Pots, glass house borders
Location : Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, karnataka, india
Camera: Nikon D40X

Common Name: Salmon pink rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Pink, large, showy, colourful
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Deep green, strong, healthy, 5 feet tall

Common Name: Mini Rose, Paneer rose
Botanical name: Rosa Pisocarpa
Origin / Native : Asia, America
Type : Erect shrub
Flowers :Showy, Red, Small Petals, Fragrant
Light requirement & care: Open, sunny, well drained, moisture-retentive loam soil
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka, South India
Foliage : Evergreen

Common Name: Papa meilland rose, Papa Meilland
Botanical name: Rosa 'Papa Meilland'
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Origin / Native : France
Category :Hybrid Tea Roses, Bush Roses
Type : Perennial
Uses : Cut flowers, perfumes, commercial, art
Flowers : Deep red, maroon, black, showy, fragrance
Location : Ooty botanical garden, South india

Common Name: Green miniature roses lalbagh independence day flower show august 2015
Flowers: Green or honey dew, small, showy, colourful, clustered
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, healthy, 3 feet tall

Common Name: Paul cezanne rose
Botanical name: Rosa 'Paul cezanne'
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses: Cut fflowers
Height :4 feet tall
Flowers : Salmon pink with corn silk or light yellow striped, light coral with lemon chiffon, fragrance
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore,india
Best for : Borders, pots

Common Name: Rosoideae, Austin Rose
Cultivar name: Rose benjamin britten
Category : Climbing Shrub
Height: Up to 8 feet tall
Flowering Season : All Year
Flowers :Deep pink, medium violet red, magenta, strong fragrant
Uses : Cuisines, Medicinal, cut flowers
Foliage: Evergreen, strong, climber
Camera : Nikon D40X

Common Name: Rose
Botanical name: Rosa damascena
Order : Rosales
Origin / Native : Asia, Africa, Europe, America
Flowers :Fragrant, magenta pink, Showy, Large, Single or Clustered
Uses : Ornamental, Medicinal
Camera : Nikon D40X
Light requirement : Sunny, part shade
Location : Kundadam, tirupur, india

Common Name: Rose deep cerise
Botanical name: Rosa Violet Carson
Order : Rosales
Origin / Native : Asia, Europe, North Africa
Flowers :Large, Fragrant, Used in Cuisine & Drink
Category : Shrub
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, India
Height : 4 feet
Flowers : Hot pink, Pale violet red, large, mild fragrance

Common Name: Striped hybrid tea rose
Used for: Cut flowers, bouquets, vases
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height : 48 inches
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, strong, compact
Flowers : Magenta & pink striped, medium violet red with pink, large, fragrance, colourful, showy
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: President herbert hoover rose bud
Used for: Cut flowers
Flowers: Pink with yellow, medium, mild fragrance, showy, colourful
Best for : Pots, containers, borders
Foliage : Evergreen foliage, 2 to 4 feet tall
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh,Bangalore, India

Common Name: Sunblest hybrid tea rose
Flowers: Yellow, lemon chiffon, light golden rod yellow, large, showy, fragrance
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Used for: Cut flowers, bouquets, arts
Foliage :Evergreen, compact, healthy, 3 feet
Light requirement : Sunny, open, well drained soils
Good for: Pots
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Name: Rosa golden showers
Flowers: Yellow, medium, mild fragrance, showy
Best for : Pots, containers, borders
Foliage : Deep green foliage, 2 to 4 feet tall
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Common Name: Handel pink and white rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Pink with white, large, showy, colourful
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Deep green, strong, healthy, 5 feet tall

Common Name: Smith's parish rose, Bermuda rose
Botanical name: Rosa
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Unusual, Large, Pink with white striped petals, semi-double, fragrant, Showy
Height :Up to 5 feet tall
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Flowering Season: Spring to Winter
Location: Lalbagh botanical gardens, bangalore, karnataka, india

Name: Giggles miniature pink rose
Flowers: Small, showy, salmon pink, fragrance
Best for : Small pots, borders
Foliage : Deep green foliage, 2.5 feet tall
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden flower show, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Name: Rosette delizy rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Pink yellow bicolour, showy, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 48 inches tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil
Flowers & Plants by Categories