- Rose varieties by color > White roses with Names
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White Roses

Common Name: Rosa longicuspis
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers: White, 5 petals, small, clustered, fragrance
Height : 3 to 8 feet
Folaige : Deep green, healthy, compact
Light requirement & care : Sunny, open, well drained, moisture or loam, sandy soils
Pests : aphids, leafhoppers, caterpillers

Common Name: Rosa gallica versicolor, french rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order : Rosales
Height: 4 feet
Origin / Native : Central & S.E. Europe
Flowers : White with deep pink, purple, striped, wavy, fragrant
Foliage : Mid green, compact, upright
Flowering season: June-july
Location: Lalbagh, bangalore,india

Common Name: Rose misty rose, Musk rose
Botanical name: Rosa moschata
Order : Rosales
Origin/ Native : Western Himalayas
Plant :Compact shrub, healthy, 5 feet, deep green foliage
Flowers : Beige with light pink shade, large, single, fragrance
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, Karnataka
Uses : Cut flowers

Common Name: Light pink white rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height: 4 feet tall
Flowers : Baby pink with white shade, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Deep green
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Red white bicolour rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : White with pink edged,bicolour, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Reddish green, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, openn, well drained soil

Common Name: Mrs dudley cross rose
Cultivar & Botanical Name: Rosa 'Mrs dudley cross'
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Flowers :White, large, 4.5 inches wild, fragrance
Foliage: Deep green
Location: Lalbagh rose garden, bangalore, karnataka, india
Best for: Pots, containers, glass houses

Common Name: Handel pink and white rose bangalore lalbagh august 2015
Flowers: Pink with white, large, showy, colourful
Family : Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Uses : Cut flowers
Best for :Pots, containers
Location: Lalbagh botanical garden glass house, bangalore, karnataka, india
Foliage: Deep green, strong, healthy, 5 feet tall

Name: Nostalgia rose red and white bicolour
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Pink & white bicolour, large, showy, hybrid tea rose, fragrant, colourful
Foliage :Reddish green, healthy, 5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Name: Yellow white bicolour rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Flowers : Yellow with white, large, showy, fragrant
Foliage :Evergreen, healthy, 4.5 feet tall
Uses : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location: Govt. Rose Garden, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Light Requirement: Sunny, open, well drained soil

Common Name: White pet rose
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Light requirement & care :Sunny or part shade, well drained soils
Height : 3 feet tall
Flowers : White color flowers, small, fragrance, clustered, showy
Best for : Pots, contianers, patios
Location : Ooty rose garden, Nilgiris, Tamil nadu, India

Common Name: Rosette delizy rose
Botanical name: Rosa Rosette delizy
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height : 5 feet
Foliage :Deep green, healthy, compact
Flowers : Pink with light yellow, bicolour, large, fragrance, colourful, showy
Used for : Cut flowers, bouquets
Location : Lalbagh, Bangalore, India

Common Name: Scentimental floribunda rose, Striped red and white rose
Used for:Cut flowers, bouquets
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Height : 4 to 6 feet
Flowers :Crimson red with white striped, bicolour, showy, fragrance, colourful
Foliage : Deep green, compact, healthy
Location : Lalbagh, bangalore, india

Common Name: Ferdinand pichard rose
Botanical name: Rosa 'Ferdinand pichard'
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Best for : Pots, containers, edges, borders
Flowers :Large, Magenta pink with white bicolor, striped, 6 inches wide blooms
Location : Lalbagh rose garden, bangalore,india
Foliage: Evergreen, 5 feet tall
Camera: Nikon D40X
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